What are drugs? Make a list of all the different drugs you can think of.
A drug is…… …any substance which causes a change in the way the body, or part of the body, works.
Coffee Tea Chocolate Cocacola Aspirin Cough syrup Throat sweets Antibiotics Cigarettes Alcoholic drinks All of these contain drugs. Is it always wrong to use drugs?
When is it OK to use drugs?
Some drugs are harmless when consumed in moderation: Coffee, tea, cola and chocolate all contain ________________________. This is a________________ _______________________ which can make us feel more awake, but, if we take in too much, it can make us irritable and give us headaches.
If a _________________ prescribes a medicine when you are ________. Always take the ________________’s advice about how much to take and how often to take it. ________________________ (taking more than the recommended dose) can make you _______________.
Alcohol is a legal drug, but…. It can have ______________________ effects on the body and _______________ if drunk to _______________.
Illegal Drugs Some drugs are illegal because they are particularly harmful to the body or because they are particularly ADDICTIVE.
Substance/ Drug Abuse When people take ___________ which they don’t really need (i.e. not for medical reasons) this is _____________________ _______________________. People who do this often become ________________________ to these drugs.
Some commonly abused drugs: Alcohol Cigarettes Sedatives –sleeping pills. Painkillers – heroin, morphine Hallucinogens – Ecstasy, LSD, Cannabis Stimulants – amphetamines, cocaine
Why do people abuse drugs? - ______________ pressure. - To forget their ___________________