James 2:1-13 Maturity in Overcoming Favoritism
“ God created man in His own image ” (Genesis 1.27) Man Was Created In God ’ s Image
“ God created man in His own image ” (Genesis 1.27) “ These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated ” (Genesis 9.19) Man Was Created In God ’ s Image
“ God created man in His own image ” (Genesis 1.27) “ These three were the sons of Noah, and from these the whole earth was populated ” (Genesis 9.19) “ He made from one man every nation of mankind ” (Acts 17.26) Man Was Created In God ’ s Image
Jews coveted the honor and recognition of men. Faith in Jesus
Jews coveted the honor and recognition of men. But Jesus did not show favoritism. Faith in Jesus
God is not a respecter of persons Love Your Neighbor
God is not a respecter of persons –He ignores national differences Love Your Neighbor
God is not a respecter of persons –He ignores national differences –He ignores social differences Love Your Neighbor
God is not a respecter of persons –He ignores national differences –He ignores social differences –Salvation is offer to all people Love Your Neighbor
God is not a respecter of persons –He ignores national differences –He ignores social differences –Salvation is offered to all people Love your neighbor: Luke Love Your Neighbor
Favoritism is sin! Mercy
Favoritism is sin! Choose to show mercy, rather than judge. Mercy
Faith Love Mercy Maturity in Overcoming Favoritism
James 2:1-13 Maturity in Overcoming Favoritism