Study this picture. Think about the men. Put yourself therein your Writer’s Notebook, use descriptive language tell a brief story about the setting, the men’s thoughts and feelings and the life skills you think they portray. Think of the five senses – sight, smell, sound, taste and texture. Include at least 3 writing tricks – similes and metaphors will be easy!
Study these pictures. Choose one. Put yourself there. In your Writer’s Notebook, use descriptive language to narrate the setting, the people’s thoughts and feelings and the life skills you think they portray. Think of the five senses – sight, smell, sound, taste and texture. Include at least 3 writing tricks – similes and metaphors will be easy!
Someone You Admire Identity Narrative Page 1. Choose someone you admire and look up to. 2. Choose three or more of the following categories that this person possesses or demonstrates that make you look up to them. strengthintegritypromise-keeping couragesupportlove dedicationhard workrespect trustworthyresponsibleperseverance honestycaring 3. You must include: - a photo or picture of the person/symbol if necessary - a border and a CREATIVE title - your name visible on the front of the page - written detailed description of the person that includes: -his/her name and relationship to you -3 or more life skills they possess and how he/she demonstrate each -how he/she influences you
Getting Started: Pre-writing Create a pre-writing organizer in your writer’s notebook. It can be a web, outline, or any other visual that allows you to map out your ideas. This is to be done in your writer’s notebook – once you have organized your ideas you are ready to get started. This page will be completed in class!
An A paper contains original ideas with relevant and appropriate details. It is well organized. Clear, precise and descriptive word choice and a well-developed writer’s voice are evident. There is variation in sentence length and complexity and no errors in conventions. All components are present on the front of the cardstock (border, visual, name on front, creative title). A B paper contains adequate ideas that are supported by details. A hint of writer’s voice may be apparent. There is evidence of a good organizational plan. Word choice is appropriate, though lacking in precision and originality, and sentences may lack variety. Some errors in conventions. All but one component are present on the front of the cardstock (border, visual, name on front, creative title). A C paper is likely to contain unoriginal ideas with limited support, or irrelevant details that do not support the main idea. The organization is weak. A writer’s voice may not be evident. Word choice may be correct, but lacking maturity and sentences tend to be simple in structure. Frequent errors in conventions are common, but the piece should be readable. Neatness may be an issue. Some components are likely missing on the front of the cardstock (border, visual, name on front, creative title). A D paper contains trivial ideas without supporting details. It is characterized by an inadequate organizational plan, immature vocabulary, short, simple sentences and frequent errors in conventions that may, at times, interfere with understanding of the piece. Neatness may be an issue. Some components are missing on the front of the cardstock (border, visual, name on front, creative title).