1 Total Acid Number Determination Total acid number of biodiesel Distilled biodiesel experiment Ultra low sulfur diesel (ULSD) experiment
2 Total Acid Number Definition The mass of potassium hydroxide (KOH) in milligrams that is required to neutralize the acids in one gram of oil. Formula Veq :Titrant consumed by sample+spiking solution beq :Tiltrant consumed by spiking solution N: Molarity of titrant
3 Factors Contributing to the TAN FFA Esters Catalyst oxides Salts of heavy metals Additives such as inhibitors and detergents ……
4 Potentiometric Titration The sample is dissolved in toluene and propanol with a little water Titrated with alcoholic potassium hydroxide A glass electrode and reference electrode is connected to a voltmeter/potentiometer. The meter reading (in millivolts) is plotted against the volume of titrant. The end point is taken at the distinct inflection of the resulting curve corresponding to the basic buffer solution.
5 Acid used in the experiment Calculated amounts of palmitic acid was added to the oil to determine total acid numbers (TANs) Molar mass Density0.853 g/cm 3 at 62 °C Melting point63-64 °C Boiling point21 °C at 15 mmHg
6 Experiment Results: Distillated SBO-biodiesel TAN of ND B100: 0.177mgKOH/g TAN(mgKOH/g) of distilled BD100 from Capila Adding TAN (mgKOH/g) Theoretical TAN(mgKOH/g) Measured TAN(mgKOH/g) 0N/A
7 Experiment Results Based on ULSD Adding TAN mgKOH/g Theoretical TAN mgKOH/g Measured TAN mgKOH/g Err. TANErr. 0N/A0.017N/A % % % %
8 Current Work Synthetic antioxidants by GC-MS Acid number Writing proposal Catalyst activities