Journalism 1 SMHS Blanton Parts of a newspaper Journalism 1 SMHS Blanton
The nameplate is what it says – the newspaper’s name The nameplate is what it says – the newspaper’s name. It is located on the front page. Examples: Wall Street Journal The New York Times The Houston Herald Dallas Morning Herald Nameplate/flag
Masthead gives you the name of the publisher, editor, and other executives. It’s usually located on the opposite page from the commentary and on the same page as the editorials. Can you find it? Masthead
The flag is the same as the nameplate The flag is the same as the nameplate. It is the newspaper’s name as it appears on the front page. flag
This word refers to the size of the paper This word refers to the size of the paper. The Sylva Herald and The Citizen-Times are all broadsheets. Folded in half they form a tabloid. Broadsheet/Tabloid
Not bunny ears Term refers to the white space on either side of the newspaper’s name on the front page. Many times lottery information is placed here. Ears
The staff box includes names of the editors, a phone number, and usually a statement of policy.
A column is the vertical division of the layout of the text on the news print.
Headlines are words in large print that capture the reader’s attention Headlines are words in large print that capture the reader’s attention. Extra large headlines are created in a sans serif font – like the one below. Sans serif – sans means without in Latin, serif means tails, so the font is without tails headline
A headline that appears under, above, or to the side of a main headline is called a subheadline. It’s in a smaller font size. Subheadline
A short headline ABOVE the main headline is referred to as a kicker.
A small, tiny story is called a brief A small, tiny story is called a brief. Usually on the second page you will find the daily briefs. Within the sports section, you will find the sports briefs. All these stories give local, national, and international news briefs. Brief
A sidebar is a secondary story that gives the reader additional sidelights of a major story. Sidebar or box
This is a text box that gives a synopsis of a story This is a text box that gives a synopsis of a story. A breakout gives key highlights that stand out. Breakout
This is all about YOU – it’s the name of the writer of the story. Byline
These are the words at the beginning of the article that give the location of the story. SYLVA – Dateline
A pull quote is a short sentence or phrase pulled from a story and set in larger type that than the copy text. The text is in a serif font and italicized since it is an actual quote. It’s not paraphrased – but you need only place single quotes around the text. ‘She was really determined to get this case solved. She didn’t want it to go cold.’ Pull quote
A refer tells readers to go to the inside of the paper to find a related story. It gets the reader to read more of the paper and view some advertising. Refer or whips
This is the line at the bottom of an article that tells the reader where to turn for the rest of the story. It is typed like this: See BORDER, A5 Jump line
A story or body copy is usually set in 9 to 12 point type and a serif font such as Times New Roman is used. The alignment is justified – meaning there is no ragged edge on the right as you see here. Copy or text
Feature story is a human interest story.
Hard news is headline news Hard news is headline news. It’s the guts of what makes students WANT to read YOUR paper. The soft news is the feature article that you write about such as a new teacher at SMHS who just moved here from another state. Hard news vs. soft news
An editorial is an article written about a controversial topic that includes the publisher’s view point. Editorial
Folio A folio is the page number and date on each page. A4 The Sylva Herald SPORTS Thursday, January 15, 2016 Folio
A cutline is a caption. They are typed in a sans serif font and use justified alignment.