S3 Parents Presentation Thursday 18 February 2016
Qualification Framework Old SystemRevised SystemCurriculum for for Excellence 1/2 Access 1 and 2Access 1 and 2 National 1/2 1/2 3 Foundation S GradeAccess 3 National General S GradeIntermediate 1 National Credit S GradeIntermediate 2 National HigherHigher Higher 6 7 Advanced HigherAdvanced Higher Advanced Higher 7
Assessment in the New Qualifications National 1/2/3/4 are entirely internally assessed. 3 units plus a value added task. They are pass/fail. National 5/Higher/Advanced Higher have 3 internally assessed units and an external examination. Graded A to D, with A, B and C being passes.
S4 – S6 The Senior Phase S4 – 6 subjects English and Maths plus 4 others at N3, N4, N5. S5 – 5 subjects at N3, N4, N5, H. S6 – Minimum 4 subjects at N3, N4, N5, H, AH.
Progression Routes For pupils the progression can be… N4 > N5 > H > AH However there will be subjects you can start in S5 and S6 at N5 or Higher with no previous Senior Phase study. The choice sheet shows the Higher courses that are available this year. (NO guarantees for next year!)
How to Choose! What am I good at? What do I enjoy? What do I plan to do in S5 and S6 if I stay on? What career might I follow after school? What do I need for my next steps?
How Not to Choose! I like/dislike that teacher! My pal is doing that so I will as well so I am in their class! My brother/sister/parent liked that!
Planning for the Future: Next Steps Automotive Maintenance & Repair Principles Level 2 (SCQF Level 5 Need National 4 in Maths, English and preferably also with a Science or Technical Studies. Introduction to the Hair & Beauty Sector (VRQ Level 1 Diploma) Applicants are expected to have a minimum of three National 4, Intermediate 1 or Standard Grade General level qualifications. Students must want to become a beauty therapist, be genuinely interested in the profession.
Planning for the Future: Next Steps HNC Childhood Practice Applicants should have two Highers including English. HND Animal Care Applicants must hold a minimum of two Scottish Highers (CC). If science is not at Higher, it is a requirement to have a qualification at Standard Grade, National 5 HND Textiles Typical applicants will be expected to have a minimum of two Higher passes - one of which should be Higher Art
Planning for the future: Next Steps Medicine Glasgow University Standard academic entry requirements: AAAAA or AAAABB by the end of S5 AND achieve Grades A and B in two Advanced Highers in S6. Other mandatory requirements: Not considered for entry from S5. S5 grades must include Chemistry and Biology, and either Maths or Physics. It is acceptable to take Biology, Chemistry, Maths or Physics as crash Highers in S6, a minimum Grade B would be required. provided Grades AAAAA or AAAABB are achieved by S5. Applicants must have English at either Standard Grade (Grade 2)
Planning for the Future: Next Steps Chemical Engineering Heriot Watt University Higher AABB Maths and Chemistry required. Physics strongly advised at least at Standard Grade / National 5. (This is minimum more may be needed) Advanced Highers at AAB in Maths and Chemistry plus AABB in Highers for level 2 entry that is straight to second year.
Planning for the Future: Next Steps MA in Arts & Sciences, Aberdeen University Higher AABB or three AH at BBB obtained at a single sitting required or if obtained over two sittings must get Higher BBB at first sitting. English at National 5 is also required. (This is Minimum more may be needed) For some degrees a specific subject is required. For example National 5/S Grade Maths needed for entry to Accountancy, Economics, Finance
Finding Out About Careers...
Finding Out About Courses… School website…. National Courses – click on the N3/4/5 for details….
The Choice Form….. National 3National 4National 5 Highers available this session in S5/6 Art and Design Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Practical Woodworking Art and Design Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Practical Woodworking Art and Design Graphic Communication Administration and IT Computing Science Administration and IT Computing Science Administration and IT Computing Science Accounting Business Management Computing Accounting Business Management Health and Food Technology Fashion and Textile Technology Hospitality: Practical Cookery Health and Food Technology Fashion and Textile Technology Hospitality: Practical Cookery Health and Food Technology Fashion and Textile Technology Hospitality: Practical Cookery Health and Food Technology Geography History Modern Studies Geography History Modern Studies Geography History Modern Studies Geography History Modern Studies French Spanish French Spanish French Spanish French Spanish Drama Music Drama Music Drama Music Drama Music Physical Education N3/4 Biology N3/4 Chemistry N3/4 Physics N3/4 Biology N3/4 Chemistry N3/4 Physics N5 Biology N5 Chemistry N5 Physics Biology Chemistry Physics Media StudiesEnglish Media Studies Mathematics Accounting and Business Management are only on offer at one level. A National 4 in Business may be available if additional work has been done. Science courses split into two levels. Advice was given in reports. Please follow this. If a pupil attempts a National 5 science course and is unsuccessful then a national 4 pass may be possible if an additional unit at that level has been done. Some subjects do not currently have progression to Higher
Potential SubjectSubject(s) in S1 to 3 indicating Potential Art and Design Graphic Communication Design and Manufacture Practical Craft Skills Art Technology/Art Technology Administration and IT Accounting Business Management Computing Science Computing/Business Education Mathematics Media/English/Social Studies Computing/Mathemat Health and Food Technology Fashion and Textile Technology Hospitality: Practical Cookery Home Economics/Science Home Economics Geography / History / Modern StudiesSocial Studies French / German / SpanishModern Languages Drama Music Drama/English Music Physical EducationP E Biology / Chemistry / PhysicsScience/Mathematics
How to complete the form Choice numberSubject 1 N5 Chemistry 2 N5 Physics 3 Business Management 4 Graphic Communication RESERVE CHOICE Computing Science You should choose 4 Subjects from the list Put your choices in order of importance to YOU Make sure for sciences you put N3/4 or N5 Consult your Guidance Teacher to ensure you make the best choices. Write a 5th RESERVE choice in final box.
Planning for the future Choice for S4 English Maths N5 Chemistry N5 Physics Business Management Graphic Communication Possible choice for S5 Maths H Chemistry H Physics H Graphic Communication H Computing Science N5 Choice for S4 English Maths Geography Art & Design Fashion & Textiles Design and Manufacture Possible choice for S5 English H Art & Design H Geography H Business Management H Admin and IT N5
Exceptions… Additional Support If a pupil is identified as needing additional support then this becomes one of the 4 choices This applies to most pupils who have attended small groups with a Learning Support teacher in S3. Pupils should know if it applies to them. If anyone is unsure please contact Guidance Staff.
Please Note… It is hoped that we will be able to provide most pupils with their first four choices. However due to staffing and timetable considerations we cannot guarantee that every combination of courses will be possible or that every course listed above will run. This will depend on the numbers opting for the course and available subject specialist staffing.
Key dates Thursday 18 th February S3 Parents Information evening Wednesday 24 th February S3 Parents Evening Monday 29 th February Return of S3 Choice forms Monday 30 th May New TT S2,3,4