Singapore is often referred to as a ‘Clean and Green’ city. Is Singapore a ‘cleaned’ city or a ‘clean’ city? · As you walk to school or walk around your neighbourhood, do you notice litter on the ground?
Clean Singapore or cleaned Singapore?
60% Considerate Population 30% Situational Binners 3-4% “Ugly” people Close to half of Singapore’s population litters! Who are you?
Values in Action YOU can be a socially responsible citizen through ownership of and in contributing to the community. This involves: – Make a positive impact in your DAILY life – Use your strengths and resources to make a meaningful contribution to the community
EARTH Warriors UNITE! This Sunday 3 rd May is a golden opportunity for all students to be part of ‘Operation WE Clean Up!’ and support this meaningful initiative. It’s easy to participate. Everyone to pick up 3 pieces of litter. If everyone in Singapore does the same, 15 million pieces of litter will be cleared (This could be equivalent to clearing up a mountain of litter which would fill more than an Olympic sized swimming pool! BE an EARTH WARRIOR – ENCOURAGE your family and friends to join in. Make a difference for Singapore. Let us make Singapore a truly clean city!