Tolerance in the Multicultural Life of 21st Century Europe Comenius International Meeting Sibiu - Romania Liceul Teoretic “Onisifor Ghibu” Sibiu
Stereotypes and false images in advertising A project made by: Popoviciu Andrei, Sibiu, Romania Voican Andrei, Sibiu, Romania
1. What is a stereotype ? widely held but fixed and simplified idea of a particular type of person, thing or group.
Cases of stereotypes in advertisements McDonald's Germany introduces the “Italian Burger!” Stereotype: Italian families can always be calm down with a good meal.
Stereotype: Only Russians drink vodka. Eristoff Vodka makes use of “ Vodka, just for Russians!”
2. What is a false image? a false/changed reproduction or representation of a person or object caused by the subjective demands of our world
False images in advertisements Dove can make your skin become “visibly more beautiful in just one week” (meaning, of course, whiter). False image: Girls of different race are used to show the differences between “before” and “after” – even races can change using “Dove”?!
Sony Vaio Company advertises their laptops using the image of a perfectly-looking couple, able to sustain a laptop on the top of her heel. False image: A Sony laptop comes with a perfect body, high heels and a perfect partner.
The Mc Donald’s company used a famous entity, for getting people’s attention. because if Kobe Bryant likes the new hamburger ‘’everybody will like it’’ False image: Basketball players eat fast-food before matches.
After clarifying the concepts of stereotypes and false images in advertisements, I think we should become more educated consumers!
Thank you for your attention ! Questions?