James Monroe becomes fifth U.S. president (1816) Democratic Republican Era of Good Feelings No political differences
Sectionalism- Loyalty to their region Issues 1.Slavery 2.Tariffs 3.National Bank 4.Internal Improvements
Daniel Webster (Represents the North) Supporter of Tariff of 1816 Tariff of 1816: Protected American industries from foreign competition
John C. Calhoun (Represents the South) Believed in state sovereignty State sovereignty- the idea states have autonomous power Against Tariff of (Only protecting manufacturers)
Henry Clay (Represents the West) Tried to resolve sectional disputes
Missouri Compromise of 1820: Issue 1: Slavery Solution Maine became a free state Missouri became a slave state Louisiana Territory north of the 36, 30 N parallel became slave-free territory Henry Clay
A program formed by Henry Clay Clay’s goal was to benefit all sections
Sections of American System: Issue 2: Protective tariff: Provide Govt. $ to build roads and canals Businesses can use profits to buy more agricultural goods from the South
Sections of American System: Issue 3: National bank:
Sections of American System: Issue 4: Internal Improvements 4. Internal improvements: Agricultural goods ships through new transportation system
Southerners disagreed Thought AS only benefited North No benefits to South Not a success Second National Bank (1816)
State of Maryland taxed the Baltimore Branch of the Second United States James McCulloch (Baltimore Branch Cashier) refused State of Maryland sued the Bank and went straight to Supreme Court
Supreme Court decision: John Marshall stated two points Constitution has authority from the people, not state govts. Therefore Bank is constitutional. States have no power to tax or overthrow Federal laws, therefore State banks can not tax the Bank of the United States
Aaron Ogden had permission from NY to navigate his steamboats up NY and NJ Shore (Fulton) Thomas Gibbon had permission from Federal govt. NY denied permission to Gibbons, so Gibbons sued Ogden
Supreme Court Decision John Marshall stated Congress, not states, can regulate interstate trade 95k
Rush-Bagot Treaty U.S. & Britain set limits to naval ships in Lake Erie Disarmament in border between U.S. & British Canada Convention of 1818 Demilitarized boundary between U.S. & Britain at 49 th parallel Americans can settle in Oregon Territory
West Florida: Disputed btw U.S. & Spain U.S. bought it from France
Andrew Jackson- American general ordered to end Seminole raids He ended up taking two Spanish forts in E. Florida Luis Onis- Spanish minister wanted Jackson to be punished. John Calhoun wanted him to be court-martialed
Adams-Onis Treaty (1819) U.S. gained all of Florida Spain kept Texas and paid 5 million dollars Border from Gulf of Mexico to 42 nd parallel
Mexico (Spain) Miguel Hidalgo led a rebellion Mexico became independent in Simon Bolivar (Spain) “The Liberator” Venezuela, Colombia, Panama, Bolivia, & Ecuador Jose de San Martin (Spain) Chile, Peru Brazil (1822) (Portugal)
Spain asked France, Austria, Russia & Prussia help stop revolutionaries in South America James Monroe passed Monroe Doctrine Americans do not interfere with European colonies If Europe attempted to interfere with countries or make new colonies in North or South Americas the U.S. will intervene