Presented by: Nancy Martinsen Presented by: Marc Strong Phone :
Fall 2012 Admission Cycle Average GPA: 3.00 Applicant Declared Most Popular Majors: Pre-Business Administration, Pre-Nursing, Psychology, Sociology, Criminal Justice Administration, Communication, Kinesiology 2012 Applications 2012 Admits Applicant to Admit % 2012 Projected Enrollment Transfer8,3725,59267%1,750-1,850
Admission Area: – All of California We are NOT IMPACTED Transfers must meet minimum requirements: – Completed 60 transferable semester (90 quarter) units – Golden Four (Will accept C-) Completed by the end of the Spring term for Fall 2012 admission – Minimum 2.0 GPA in non-impacted majors Students must meet all published requirements and document deadlines Rescinded students will be offered an opportunity to appeal with instructions via to
Music Department: -Students must audition on their instrument for admission to music Athletics: -CSU East Bay is a member of NCAA Division II -9 Women’s Sports, 6 Men’s Sports -Interested students should contact coaches
Nursing: -Students must complete Nursing Supplemental Application in addition to CSU Application -Supplemental application only accepted in Fall Quarter -Test of Essential Academic Skills (TEAS) -130 students admitted for Fall Quarter GPA in last 90 quarter/60 semester units plus additional minimum GPA requirements in pre-requisite coursework Business Administration: -Students must complete Business Supplemental Application in addition to CSU Application -Supplemental application accepted year round -”C” or better in all lower division core requirements [4 ].
Special Transfer pathway for Community College students with an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) Student with AA-T/AS-T degree in similar major can complete their degree within 90 quarter units Students must produce verification of a completed or in-progress AA-T or AS-T degree to participate
CSUEB has 17 similar degree programs to these AA-T/AS-T degrees: Applies to students with an Associate Degree for Transfer (AA-T/AS-T) from an approved community college who choose to pursue the similar CSUEB major and its corresponding option (if applicable) Administration of JusticeKinesiology Art HistoryMathematics Business AdministrationPhysics Communication StudiesPolitical Science Early Childhood EducationPsychology EnglishSociology GeologyStudio Arts HistoryTheatre Arts
Academic advising offered at Orientation (recommended for transfer students) Academic advising available with a SB 1440 Major advisor Advising is also available for admitted students through Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE) Office Students receive expedited transfer credit report (CARR)
Two dynamic campuses: Hayward Hills and Concord Campus, both in the heart of the East Bay Residence Halls with Dining Commons Recreation & Wellness Center Multiple Student Support Services – Academic Advising and Career Education (AACE) – Equal Opportunity Program (EOP) – Renaissance Scholars – Student Center for Academic Achievement (SCAA) – Accessibility Services One Stop Shop Advising Services Financial Aid Scholarship Opportunities Student Life and Leadership “Smooth Transitions”- Free workshops and resources for Transfer students Important Websites: Application & Doc Deadlines: Meet our Enrollment Development Staff:
Visit us at the Welcome Center! Individual Tours: Monday- Friday, 11am and 2pm Group Tours: Available by appointment Hayward campus, call the Welcome Center: , or visit us online: Concord Campus tours call or go online: Come to an Event: Preview Day for Prospective Students & Families : October 20, 2012 CSUEB Counselor Appreciation Breakfast: – NorCal hosted on campus December 6 – SoCal hosted in LA on January 18 Concord Campus Events: – Transfer Day- October 11 – Counselor Conference- November 14