Whales By Caleb Sterzinger
Blue Whales The blue whale is the biggest whale on earth and is the biggest animal on earth. They can weigh up to 200 tons. There are almost 30,000 blue whales left in the world. Adults can eat up to 4 to 8 tons of Krill a day. Where they live is in the middle of the ocean in deep water. The blue whale has no natural predators but it can be harmed by a pack of killer whales (Orcas).
Blue Whales They can live up to years. The females are larger than the males. Their skin is blush gray color. Blue whales are also mammals that means they have to breath air and they are warm blooded.
Finbacks Finbacks are the 2 nd largest whale in the world. They can weigh up to 70 tons and the size, is 70 feet long. The finbacks normal speed is mph. Their color is dark blue- gray. Also they are great divers. They can stay under water for 55 minutes in one breath. The finbacks are one of the fastest whales on Earth. They are mammals which means they breath air and are warm
Finbacks blooded. The finbacks habitats are offshore, and they live in every ocean. It eats krill and small fish.
Right Whales The right whale is the 3 biggest whale on earth. It is the rarest of all the whales. There are a lot of different species for Right Whales, but they all have big heads. Right whales weigh up to 40 tons, and there size is feet long. They eat zooplankton, and other tiny organisms.
Right Whales Southern and two species of northern right whales live in temperate water, often near the coast of the Atlantic or the Pacific seas. According to ocean experiments there estimasahion, is that there are only several hundred right whales left in the wild.
Whale Report Information I got my information from: 1. Nationalgeograhpic.com 2. Whales-facts.net I chose whales for my report because, I was so interested of there way of life in the water!