MLA FORMAT Works Cited & Source Cards
Remember our “in a perfect world” scenario? Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Website. Date last modified. Group responsible for the site. Date accessed.. It probably won’t be perfect If you are missing one component … skip it and move on to the next item
Think back to our example of alcoholism We narrowed that down to a more manageable topic of physical effects of alcoholism. One effect of fetal alcohol syndrome we might research to include in our paper is fetal alcohol syndrome. We need to cite a source that we found and will use for our paper. Let’s check it out
What do we need? Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Website. Date last modified. Group responsible for the site. Date accessed..
What do we need? Author. “Title of Article.” Title of Website. Date last modified. Group responsible for the site. Date accessed.. Author none, move to the next item Title of the article “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD);Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS)” Title of the website American Pregnancy Association Date last modified January, 2007 Group responsible American Pregnancy Association Date accessed 18 May, 2009
Answer “Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD);Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS).” American Pregnancy Association. January, American Pregnancy Association. 18 May, 2009.