Search Meets Legal Regulations Presented by Ward Tongen Senior Online Marketing Analyst August 8, 2006
FDA Warning Letter
Before (over-the-wall process) Create Content Edit Content Legal/Reg Review Publish Re-Publish Partial SEO Approval Titles and meta tags only Poorly optimized pages Re-approval sometimes required Poor search performance Expectations not met
After – (higher up the food chain) Copywriters trained on SEO techniques Become partners with copywriters SEO Checklists SEO Guidelines SEO plays part in edit/review cycle Knowledge transfer & increased awareness of SEO High search performance
PPC – The Approval Sandbox Inside the Sandbox – no review or approval required Ad URL (link web address) Bid amount (within pre-approved monthly budget) Variations of approved keyword or keyword phrase (plural, singular, misspellings, negative/excluded terms) Exact keyword match, broad match or advanced match Time of day to show ads Outside the Sandbox – review or approval required Campaign Monthly Budget New keywords, phrases New or altered ad copy New or altered landing page copy Target audience language & country
Resources & Links Consumer-Directed Broadcast Advertising of Restricted Devices pdf pdf Device Advice FDA Warning Letter Database - wlcfm/searchwl_new.cfm wlcfm/searchwl_new.cfm