EU Cross-Border cooperation programmes – a tool for supporting Barents cooperation Katja Sukuvaara 27.11.2012.


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Presentation transcript:

EU Cross-Border cooperation programmes – a tool for supporting Barents cooperation Katja Sukuvaara

Background to the present Cross- Border Cooperation -EU Programmes between northern Finland, Sweden, Norway and north-west Russia since Barents IIA Programme , € 36 million -Interreg IIIA North , a subprogramme Kolarctic € 61,5 million -Kolarctic ENPI CBC Programme , € 70 million

Kolarctic ENPI CBC/ Programme area

Results of the Kolarctic ENPI CBC Four Call for Proposals were implemented, first was opened in January 2010 and the last was closed in April applications for standard projects were received, 50 of them are approved by the JMC (42%) In addition to standard projects, the JMC has approved 3 Large Scale Projects to be implemented in Russia Priority 124 projects Priority 213 projects Priority 313 projects LSP3 projects Total budget of the projects M€ 68,9

Number of Lead Partners/ country in approved projects

Number of Partners/ country in approved projects

Share of approved applications by Priority

Number of countries participating to the approved projects/ priority

Approved projects/ sector

Future of CBC Programmes ENI (European Neighbourhood Instrument) regulation is under discussion in the European Parliament Basic idea is that existing programmes will continue, all Kolarctic ENPI –countries are committed to the future programme ”Kolarctic” (name tbc) will be the only Russia – programme, which is not bilateral (will have 4 countries)

Future of CBC Programmes Programming will start early 2013, regions will be actively involved Most ENI-programmes will imply ”Shared Management”, where PRAG rules will not be governing all the activities -> management more towards ETC programmes Financing Agreements will be concluded between EC and Russian Federation Also contracts between the participating countries and the country hosting the Joint Managing Authority JMA will remain in the region Estimation for start-up of the new programme 2015 (?)