Calorimeters Design Issues and Simulation Needs C.Woody Physics Department Brookhaven National Lab EIC Simulation Workshop Oct 9, 2012
Design Issues for a Calorimeter System for an EIC Detector C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 2 Must cover the phase space and kinematic range necessary to carry out the suite of physics measurements at EIC The requirements are different in different regions of phase space Must work in conjunction with the tracking system of the EIC detector to provide the necessary energy/momentum resolution to carry out the physics measurements The calorimeters must cope with the backgrounds produced by the machine and surrounding materials, and must survive the radiation environment The detectors must work in the presence of a strong magnetic field
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 3 EIC Detector – Conceptual Design Central Detector Forward/Backward Detectors Large acceptance: -5 < < 5 Asymmetric Nearly 4 tracking and EMCAL coverage HCAL coverage in central region and hadron direction Good PID Vertex resolution (< 5 m) Electron is scatted over large range of angles (up to ~165˚) Low Q 2 → low momentum (~ few GeV) Requires low mass, high precision tracking EM HAD
Momentum and Angle Resolution C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 4 From the sPHENIX MIE Proposal (T.Hemmick) electron direction proton direction 5 x x 250 Measurement of F L (x,Q 2 ) Assumption: To measure yield to 1% requires 20% uncertainty due to bin shifts
Kinematic Coverage and Resolution - DIS C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 5 From the sPHENIX MIE Proposal (S.Bazilevsky) <-1| | < 1 e e Energy resolution is especially important at low y Defines “reach” in y ( → higher x) <-1| | < 1E e vs Note: Cutting out low momentum electrons (E<1 GeV) does not loose much in x and Q 2
Kinematic Coverage and Resolution - DVCS C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 6 <-1 >1 | | < 1 E vs From the sPHENIX MIE Proposal (S.Bazilevsky) DVCS photon is mainly in central region and fairly low energy
Energy Resolution vs Tracking Resolution C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 7 S.Bazilevsky, FSU PHENIX Collaboration Meeting EMC = Track a=5% E ~ 2.7 GeV a=10% E ~ 4.2 GeV a=20% E ~ 7 GeV Tracking: p /p = 0.01 p EMCal: E /E = a/sqrt(E) 0.02 = Track,if Track < EMC = EMC, if EMC < Track Tracking only a=10% a=20% Resolution on x and Q 2 (5 x 250)
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 8 HCAL Outer HCAL Inner EMCAL Solenoid VTX Coverage ± 1.1 in and 2 in
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 9 sPHENIX Calorimeters Tungsten-Scintillating Fiber “Optical Accordion” EM Calorimeter Scintillating Tile WLS Fiber HCAL SiPM + Mixer
sPHENIX Calorimeter Simulations (GEANT4) C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 10 resolution = (14.0 0.2)%/ E 10 GeV electron shower 10 GeV pion shower
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 11 STAR Forward Calorimeter C.Woody, sPHENIX Review - EMCAL, 10/5/12 11 Spacal/Spacordion Tungsten Powder/Epoxy/SciFi Results from beam test at Fermilab (Jan 2012) O.Tsai, H.Huang (UCLA)
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 12 STAR Forward Calorimeter Simulations O.Tsai (UCLA)
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 13 PWO Crystal Calorimeter for PANDA Endcap 3864 crystals R. Novotny, CALOR PWO-II crystals 200 mm long Barrel 15 GeV Positrons
C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12 14 P.Adzic, JINST Vol.5 (2010) P03010 Radiation dose after 500 fb -1 (~ 10 yrs) CMS Crystals Radiation Effects on Detectors JLAB SiPMs Y.Qiang, arXiv: v2,17 July 2012
Needs for Monte Carlo Simulation (not an all inclusive list…) 15 Further refinements are needed on the calorimeter requirements for energy resolution, segmentation, etc over the required kinematic range. This needs to be integrated with the requirements on the tracking system for momentum resolution, vertex capabilities, etc over the same kinematic range. The calorimeters and tracking detectors should be considered as a combined system when looking at these requirements. Improve simulation models of some of the proposed detector designs (e.g., include realistic geometry of absorber and active material, effects of light collection, dead material, etc). This is important to study the non-uniformities that may exist in the proposed designs and could lead to important systematic effects. Improved simulations of machine backgrounds that generate backgrounds in the various detectors (particularly soft electrons, gammas and neutrons) Compute radiation levels and neutron fluences over the solid angle subtended by the various detectors. This needs to include a realistic model of the IR design and the overall detector itself. …. C.Woody, EIC Simulation Workshop, 10/9/12