Grade 8 Topic 4 Decision Making and Communication Skills
Decision Making 101
How do we communicate? There are many styles: Aggressive Aggressive Passive Passive Assertive Assertive
Making Assertive Requests
Let’s Practice…
My partner upsets me when she/he tries to change everything about me. If she/he likes me so much, why does she/he want to change everything from my clothes and hair to my personality? I Identify the problem D Describe possible solutions E Evaluate each solution A Act – choose a solution and try it! L Learn. Did it work?
Your best friend is being pressured by his/her partner to have sex. They don’t want to lose their partner. They are unsure what to do and want to talk to you because they trust you. I Identify the problem D Describe possible solutions E Evaluate each solution A Act – choose a solution and try it! L Learn. Did it work?
My friends and I like to tease each other a lot. Horseplay has always been a part of our relationships. They get pretty rough sometimes, slapping my face and pushing me around. They think it’s funny. I Identify the problem D Describe possible solutions E Evaluate each solution A Act – choose a solution and try it! L Learn. Did it work?
When my partner does something or says something to make me angry or sad, I get really quiet. She/he always asks, “What’s wrong?” What a stupid question! We have been together for 5 months. She/he should know me by now. I Identify the problem D Describe possible solutions E Evaluate each solution A Act – choose a solution and try it! L Learn. Did it work?
My partner is totally paranoid. She/he does not accept the fact that I have a lot of friends who are of the opposite sex. If I talk to one of them, my partner gets upset or mad. I Identify the problem D Describe possible solutions E Evaluate each solution A Act – choose a solution and try it! L Learn. Did it work?
I have a slight problem with my partner. When we’re alone together, she/he is really sensitive and loving. However, the minute we’re with her/his friends, she/he starts acting differently and either ignores me or bosses me around. I Identify the problem D Describe possible solutions E Evaluate each solution A Act – choose a solution and try it! L Learn. Did it work?