SPACE TELESCOPE SCIENCE INSTITUTE Operated for NASA by AURA COS Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 2 of 12 Synopsis Role: STScI supports COS science operations by leading development of “front-end” (operations) and “back-end” (OPUS/MAST/calibration) ground system and user support functions. COS project is led by NISD, and presently consists of 12 people (7.65 FTE) drawn from NISD, SISD, and ESS. The project is on track (green) –most recent report: 15 January 2002
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 3 of 12 Health Chart SubprojectStaffin g ScheduleTechnical Instrument Development OK (g)ongoing (g) IDT/STScI MOU (g) NUV Grating reflectivity (g) FUV I & T CU/UCB (y) Commanding and RPS2 OK (g)ongoing (g) OP-01 (g) FP-SPLIT development (g) calib exposure development (g) Pipeline and Calibration OK (g)ongoing (g) keyword development (g) pipeline development (g) CDRs (g)
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 4 of 12 Accomplishments SI News: –backup FUV door-opening mechanism repair completed, vibration tested, and fully functional in T-V tests; both backup and primary mechanism open and close door successfully in T-V tests –FUV flight detector QE grid breakage in detector T-V testing Detailed investigation presently underway; full review of qualification and inspection procedures; 3 week schedule impact (presently yellow) –NUV grating reflectivity; recovery completed (previously yellow now green) G185M: G225Ma will be used as flight optic; AlMgF coating – throughput exceeds spec, increased spectral range; possible lower resolution G225M: G225Mf will be used as flight optic; bare Al coating – throughput exceeds spec; full resolution spec maintained G285M: G285Md will be used as flight optic; bare Al coating – throughput exceeds spec; full resolution spec maintained G230L flight-accepted grating meets specification; no changes required IDT delivered hardware-generated FUV detector test images to STScI; in addition to previous MOU deliverable
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 5 of 12 Accomplishments (cont.) Issued closure report for OPUS/HDA and calcos CDRs Completed OSM thermal issues review; drafted detailed operations implementation plan Continue STScI FSW macro-timing test evaluations Draft TV-specific keyword set prepared Start COS Mini-Handbook development STScI scheduling system –Completed development of FP-SPLIT exposure capability (final Phase 4 component); on schedule Ops bench testing at Ball per Ball FSW availability timeline (Apr 02) –Commenced development of Phase 5 Scheduling System components GO “WAVECAL” exposures completed on April 1; on schedule FLATFIELD exposures in code review; on schedule SAA contours in code review; on schedule
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 6 of 12 COS Phase Development Plan (rev 6, 10/26/01) Phase 1 (1/1/00 – 6/30/00) 1.Macro Development 2.Reconfigurations Phase 2 (7/1/00 – 12/31/00) 3.NUV Timetag Mode + Darks 4.FUV Timetag Mode + Darks Phase 3 (1/1/01 – 6/30/01) 5.FUV & NUV Accumulation Science Exposures 6.FUV & NUV Target Acquisition Exposures 7.FUV & NUV Target Peakup Exposures Phase 4 (7/1/01 – 12/31/01) 8.Aperture Alignment Exposures 9.OSM1 Focus Alignment Exposures 10.OSM1 Rotation Alignment Exposures 11.OSM2 Rotation Alignment Exposures 12. FUV & NUV FP-Split Exposures Phase 5 (1/1/02 – 6/30/02) 13. FUV & NUV GO Wavelength Calibration Exposures 14. FUV & NUV Flat Field Lamp Calibration Exposures 15. FUV & NUV Automatic Wavelength Calibration Exposures 16. SAA Contours Phase 6 (7/1/02 – 12/31/02) 17. SMGT Preparations 18. SMOV Special Commanding 19. FUV & NUV Anomalous Recovery 20. FUV & NUV Initial Turn-on 21. FUV & NUV BOP Target Screening Phase 7 (1/1/03 – 6/30/03) 22. FUV & NUV Lifetime Adjustments
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 7 of 12 Plans Planned Activities and Future Milestones: Continue COS Mini-Handbook development Continue Phase 5 FLATFIELD exposure and SAA contour development Commence Phase 5 AUTO-WAVECAL exposure development Continue STScI FSW macro-timing tests on ops bench Complete review and issue OSM thermal issues report Continue keyword review; add TV-specific keywords to ICD-19 Continue FASTEX review of COS flux calibration standards Milepost Dates: {+ ==> later than last report} –COS integrated SI test data to STScI: 1 Sep 2002 (+3 months) [Ball timeline] –SI delivery to GSFC: 20 Feb 2003 (+3.5 months) [Ball timeline] –Launch: February 2004 (no change) [SM3B + 2 yr]
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 8 of 12 Detailed Schedule
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 9 of 12 Resource Summary Current COS Resources (FY 02) –NISD 3 Scientists (3.0 FTE) –SISD 1 Data Analyst (0.5 FTE) –ESS 1 System Engineer (0.5 FTE) 1 Command Development System Engineer (1.0 FTE) 1 Instrument Engineer (0.4 FTE) 2 Developers (1.25 FTE) Pipeline Development (1.0 FTE)
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 10 of 12 Metrics Progress versus Planned Milestones and Requirements: –8 of 9 planned activities completed within reporting period COS Pipeline CDR Requests for Action (RFA) Items: –Final report issued COS Operations Working Group Action Items: –0 opened, 2 closed during review period –4 presently open (1 High, 2 Medium, 1 Low) COS Calibration Working Group Action Items: –0 opened, 1 closed during review period –0 presently open
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 11 of 12 Issues Note: Arrows indicate trend (same, better, worse) by direction (right, up, down), and current impact (resolved/no issue, medium, severe) by color (green, yellow, red). TitleIssueImpactActionStatus Instrument Development NUV grating reflectivity None to STScI short-term; IDT long- term schedule impacts were possible IDT recovery plan completed All NUV gratings in flight-ready status and available at Ball for integration in SI FSW Status at Ball Delay of FSW implementation for target acq (Build 4.0) Delays timeframe for testing our acq commanding and delays availability of subset of test image data Revised FSW development schedule implemented at Ball. STScI front-end development completed; delta OPUS/HDA delivery no longer necessary; remains on-schedule this period (g) (y)
Cosmic Origins Spectrograph Monthly Status Review 22 April 2002 Charles D.(Tony) Keyes Page 12 of 12 Issues (continued) Note: Arrows indicate trend (same, better, worse) by direction (right, up, down), and current impact (resolved/no issue, medium, severe) by color (green, yellow, red). TitleIssueImpactActionStatus Instrument Development FUV detector QE enhancement grid breakage None to STScI short-term; delays integration of FUV flight detector; IDT delay in MOU deliverables, T-V, and SI delivery; additional long-term schedule impacts possible IDT investigation: review of qualification procedures and test data; secure new grid; revised test procedures; utilize ETU for optical bench fitting activities Investigation proceeding; 3 week delay to SI schedule and MOU deliverables (STScI T-V support development) (y)