Information Technology IMS5024 Information Systems Modelling Review of topics
School of Information Management & Systems 13.2 The examination 3 hours duration, closed book 5 questions, each 20 marks answer all questions read the questions carefully answer the question asked, not the question you want to answer some application of modelling techniques will be needed
School of Information Management & Systems 13.3 Purposes the Unit the Exam the Assignments
School of Information Management & Systems 13.4 Modelling fundamentals what is a model the nature of models logical equivalence
School of Information Management & Systems 13.5 Types of models product and problem oriented conceptual and formal Blum’s taxonomy
School of Information Management & Systems 13.6 Representation an object a process a record, a table, a star, a snowflake an event procedural flow
School of Information Management & Systems 13.7 Relevance a system to… a system of relevance to… Soft Systems Methodology
School of Information Management & Systems 13.8 Combining views the Class model, the STD, the EPC the Class model, the DFD, the sequence diagram the Class model, the ERD, the table
School of Information Management & Systems 13.9 Shared concepts across views operations or processes events structures of attributes
School of Information Management & Systems Good luck, study carefully