HYPACK® and HYSWEEP® Survey Configuring a Multibeam System Navigation / Positioning Device -- GPS, INS, Total Station, USBL (via HYPACK hardware) Scanning Laser For Topographic Survey Tide (via HYPACK Hardware) SV: Sensor and/or Profile Dynamic Draft (via HYPACK Hardware) Dual Head Multibeam sonar Multibeam sonar HYSWEEP Interface (via HYPACK Hardware) Heading sensor Motion sensor
Asynchronous data are correlated with time tags. Interfacing Bringing in the data Network: For high volume data like multibeam or laser. Data is received with UTC time tag. Serial RS-232: For lower volume data like GPS. Typically, Motion and Heading datagrams do not contain time tags. Data gets timed at arrival to COM port. Exception is GPS ($GPGGA has a UTC time tag). Network and COM inputs Time Tagging Very Important. Device data are correlated by time tags. All devices must use the same time base – UTC time or PC time. (Without it, data will not be good) MB MB MB MRU MRU MRU MRU POS POS + time Asynchronous data are correlated with time tags. 4
Do I Need to Synch My Clock to UTC ? If you have a device that sends datagrams with UTC time stamps, AND devices that do NOT have UTC time stamps in their datagrams, then the answer is: Yes Examples of when time synch to UTC is required: GPS (UTC), Seabat (UTC), TSS DMS/05 (No time sent), Gyro (No time sent). POS/MV (UTC), Seabat (UTC), Single beam on a COM port (No time sent). You can improve your time synchronization from +/- 10mSec to +/- 1mSec by using a HYPACK 1PPS Box. 5
Do I Need the HYSWEEP Interface driver? The HYSWEEP Interface driver (HYPACK Hardware) has 3 main Functions: 1) Depth: Record the Nadir depth of the multibeam as a single beam record in the *.RAW file. Useful for comparison against a simultaneously collected single beam. 2) Heading: Record the heading data from HYSWEEP in the *.RAW file and apply it to the Boat Shape in the Survey window in real time. 3) Heave: Record the Heave, Pitch, and Roll data in the *.RAW file and have the ability to apply it to the single beam data in SBMAX Editor. 6
HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer POS/MV Inertial System Reson Seabat 7125 Seabat 7125 HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer Multibeam Data Position, Time Sync, Heading, Motion Groups (3,7,10,20,102) Time Sync (ZDA) Motion 1 PPS Key RS-232 Network BNC (1 PPS) POS/MV Inertial System HYPACK does NOT require 1PPS Note: HYSWEEP.dll is not required. However, can still be used. 7
HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer Kongsberg EM3002 Sonar, Heading & HPR Kongsberg EM3002 Sonar HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer Heading & HPR Position (GGA) Time Sync (ZDA) Key RS-232 Network BNC (1 PPS) GPS HYPACK does NOT require 1PPS Note: HYSWEEP.dll is not required. However, can still be used. 8
R2Sonic with 1PPS Box (example) Motion (TSS) R2Sonic 2022/2024 TSS DMS/05 (HPR) HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer Sonar Data PPS Position (GGA) Speed (VTG) Time Sync (ZDA) GPS w/heading Key RS-232 Network BNC (1 PPS) To aid Motion (HDT, VTG & GGA) 1PPS Box Heading HYPACK requires time sync and needs a PPS box. Note: HYSWEEP.dll is not required. However, can still be used. 9
HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer Reson 8101 with 1PPS Box: Seabat 8101 TSS DMS/05 (HPR) HYPACK®/ HYSWEEP® Computer Sonar Data Time Sync Position (GGA) Time Sync (ZDA) GPS Key RS-232 Network BNC (1 PPS) SG Brown Gyro (HDT) 1PPS Box HYPACK requires time sync and needs a PPS box. Note: HYSWEEP.dll is not required. However, can still be used. 10
“Red Rogers” and drawing (device locations). Offsets Adjustment for: Boat Origin (AKA Reference Point): Vessel Center of Gravity XY. Static waterline Z. Device Location: Offsets in X, Y and Z measured from boat origin. Device Rotation: Pitch, roll and yaw orientation of directional devices such as multibeam sonar. Device Latency: Time delay = data arrival time – data valid time. “Red Rogers” and drawing (device locations). Tracking Point: XY location of the sonar head. Used in Survey to adjust the Left/Right indicator. Entered in HYPACK HARDWARE – Boat - Mobile 11
MRU is at boat origin, tracking point is over the transducer. +Y Boat Reference System +X MRU Tracking Point MRU +X Multibeam TRANSDUCER Multibeam TRANSDUCER +Z MRU is at boat origin, tracking point is over the transducer. 12
HYPACK® Hardware Combined Hardware program will set the hardware for both HYPACK® and HYSWEEP®. Note: No need to re-enter offsets in HYSWEEP for navigation device System Tab: Include HYSWEEP Survey Main page: Configure HYPACK devices and then HYSWEEP devices
HARDWARE Navigation / Positioning Devices: GPS.DLL for position from COM port. (Heading and RTK Tide if needed.) POSMV.DLL for POS/MV positions over a network. (RTK Tide if needed.) F180.DLL for Coda F-180 positions over a network. (RTK Tide if needed.) NOVATEL.DLL for Novatel SPAN positions. (RTK Tide if needed.) SBG.DLL for SBG Ekinox and Ellipse positions. (RTK Tide if needed) Select Time Synch option on the HYPACK configuration page. Enter Tracking Point offsets (Multibeam Head Offsets) on Mobile tab for BOAT
HARDWARE (Configure HYSWEEP®) Configure the HYSWEEP® Survey section of HARDWARE for a Multibeam, Motion sensor and Heading. Select from Manufacturer/Model list and “Add” to the INSTALLED section. Note: Some multibeam sonar systems include MRU and Heading in their driver Do not need HYPACK® Navigation, it is automatically included (and hidden) in the hardware program. 15
Multibeam Device Setup Button: Connect: Use the Setup button to enter manufacturer specific information. Connect: Most sonars are network. Determined the correct Port Number and Internet Address required for TCP/IP devices. Refer to “HYSWEEP Interfacing.pdf” for details (Located in \Help directory).
Multibeam Device – Offsets Tab Select Sonar Head 1 or 2. Enter Location offsets measured from boat reference. Enter Rotation offsets from Patch Test. Latency should be zero. (Navigation Latency is handled in the GPS set-up)
Motion and Heading Sensors Devices: Select the driver, if listed. If not… The “TSS1” message is standard for Heave, Pitch and Roll (TSS DMS driver). The NMEA “HDT” message is standard for Heading (NMEA-0183 Gyro driver). The Generic Attitude can be configured to parse ASCII datagrams Connect: Enter Network or COM settings. Remember “HYSWEEP Interfacing.pdf”. Offsets: MRU Location offsets measured from boat reference. MRU Rotation offsets can be used to “zero” Pitch and Roll. Heading Rotation offset (Yaw) can be used to correct to grid north.
Testing and Saving… CONNECT Tab: Use COM Test and Network test to verify sensor is sending data I have a note about saving the changes. Last year’s slide says to save the changes [meaning click the Yes button when the prg asks to save changes] and gives the full path to the Hysweep.ini. That seems more clear/exact. There was a note on that slide [changes saved to Hysweep.ini] but this is another I don’t remember what he wanted different. Alternate Hardware Configurations: You can Open and Save alternate configurations using the IMPORT and EXPORT 19
A Sample Session Note to change dialog with scroll bar????