Technology for Learning Systems
Learning Organization Learning Organization is where learning is taking place that changes the behavior of the organization itself Organization learning as a coming together of individuals to enable them to support and encourage one another’s learning, which will in the longer term be of benefit to the organization
Learning Organization Important points about learning organizations 1. Are adaptive to their external environment 2. Continually enhance their capability to change/adapt 3. Develop collective as well as individual learning
Five Disciplines to build Learning Organization System thinking Shared vision Challenging mental models Team Learning Personal mastery – employees have a deep knowledge and understanding of the people, the job and the process
Levels of Learning 1.Level 1 – Applies to known situations where changes are minor 2. Level 2 – applies to new situations where existing responses need to be changed 3. Level 3 – applies to more dynamic situations where solutions need developing 4. Level 4 – about innovation and creativity
Characteristics of Learning Organization Skills and motivation Learning culture Processes Tools and Techniques
Learning Culture An organization climate that nurtures learning. Characteristics 1. Free exchange and flow of information 2. Commitment to learning, personal development 3. Valuing people 4. Learning from experience 5. Climate of openness and trust
Processes Processes that encourages interaction across boundaries – infrastructure, development and management processes
Tools and Techniques Methods that aid individual and group learning 1. Inquiry 2. Creativity 3. Making sense of situations 4. Making choices 5. Observing outcomes 6. Reframing knowledge
Hindrances of Learning Organization Operational/fire fighting preoccupation Too focused on systems and process Reluctance to train Too many hidden personal agendas Too top-down driven, overtight supervision and lack of real empowerment