THE SIOP MODEL: PRACTICE/APPLICATION Tina Kelman at McKinney Boyd High School.


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Presentation transcript:

THE SIOP MODEL: PRACTICE/APPLICATION Tina Kelman at McKinney Boyd High School

Let’s Review  Lesson Preparation  Building Background  Comprehensible Input  Strategies  Interaction  Practice & Application  Lesson Delivery  Review/Assessment

Superman Practice & Application

 Content Objectives:  Identify a variety of ways for students to enhance learning through hands-on practice.  Create application activities that extend the learning in new ways and relate to language or content objectives.

Practice & Application  Language Objectives:  Design activities that integrate different language skills as students practice new content knowledge.  Discuss the importance of linking practice and application activities to specific lesson objectives.

Practice & Application Limited English Proficient (LEP) students English Language Learners (ELLs)

Statistics  5 million ELLs in the United States  60% of ELLs qualify for free and reduced lunch  Eighth-grade ELLs’ scores are less than half of those of English speaking peers on test in reading and mathematics  Students from households which speak a language other than English at home lag twenty points behind in high school completion rates  These kids are our double and triple “dippers”

Language Acquisition Stephen Krashen’s 5-pronged theory of Language Acquisition

Language Acquisition Language acquisition is a subconscious and intuitive process…much like how children pick up their first language.

Language Acquisition The monitor: If students learn language through rules, rather than naturally, fluency will be delayed.

Language Acquisition The natural order of acquisition: ELLs will first acquire that which has the most meaning, form comes later.

Language Acquisition Providing comprehensible input – to acquire language.

Language Acquisition The affective filter: a cognitive shut-down if anxious.

Knowing vs. Doing  Madeline Hunter (1982) said: knowing ability to do it mistake beginning long-lasting consequences “ The difference between knowing how something should be done and ability to do it is the quantum leap in learning…new learning is like wet cement, it can be easily damaged. A mistake at the beginning of learning can have long-lasting consequences that are hard to eradicate.

8 Pager for Notes

Foldable Title your book SIOP Practice and Application. Add these questions to your pages:  What are the three components of Practice and Application?  What are the three learning systems?  What is “See, Say, Do”?  What are the steps of the See, Say, Do Cycle?  How much material should be practiced at one time?  How long should the practice sessions be?  How often should the practice sessions be?  How will they know if they have done well? You will answer these questions as we go through this session.

3 Components of Practice & Application  Hands-On Practice with New Knowledge  Application of Content and Language Knowledge in New Ways  Integration of All Language Skills

Practice & Application It is essential that students acquiring English have multiple, daily opportunities to practice and apply what they are learning for two reasons: 1. Students are more likely to retain new information if they immediately put it to use 2. Teachers can assess students’ learning while they are practicing and applying their new understanding

See, Say, Do Say, See, and Do To create comprehension and long-term memory, you must integrate Say, See, and Do into your lesson delivery  People have three learning systems  the visual modality  the verbal modality  the physical modality

See, Say, Do  The three modalities are linked together to produce a single pattern.  This is why people learn by doing.  Say, See, Do teaching will help increase long-term memory and students’ abilities to retrieve necessary information.

See, Say, Do  A Say See, Do Cycle integrates one "chunk" of input as follows:  1- Let me explain what to do next  2- Watch as I show you  3- Now you do it  The cycle is repeated as often as needed to complete the lesson.  To teach a lesson from beginning to end, you structure a series of say, see, do cycles.

See, Say, Do  The Say, See, Do package of learning consists of Input, Output, Input, Output, Input, Output  A lesson’s information is presented one step at a time  Students do something directly after each step  Students receive a manageable amount of instruction and then immediately do something with it  This eliminates cognitive overload and forgetting the lesson’s information

Practice & Application These opportunities for practicing and applying new learning must occur regularly within each lesson, not just at its conclusion. We want LONG TERM memory!

Practice & Application Learning to fly

Practice & Application Tell students to turn to a partner:  Summarize Key Ideas Thus Far  Add your own thoughts  Pose clarifying questions to your partner, another group or the teacher Three-Minute Pause provides a break in large sections of content Provides a chance for students to stop, reflect on the concepts and ideas that have just been introduced, make connections to prior knowledge or experience, and seek clarification.

Practice & Application  Just like riding a bike…  Training wheels  Talking about experience  Listening to others describe the experience  Observing others  Help from others  Independent practice

Practice & Application Remember! There is a difference between talking about riding a bike, and actually riding it. Just as there is a difference between classroom notes on how to solve inequalities in Algebra, and actually solving them.

Practice & Application  Hands-on materials and/or manipulatives provided for students to practice using new content knowledge  Multiple activities provided for students to apply content and language knowledge within the classroom setting, not just when they go home with homework  Activities integrate all language skills (i.e., reading, writing, listening and speaking)

Practice & Application Meaningful practice allows teachers the opportunity to observe the extent to which all students, especially English learners, understand new information and concepts

Practice & Application  Practice and application should include not only end-of-unit activities, but also opportunities to practice and apply what students have learned during lessons  When are kids going to learn the vocabulary & language if we never give them the opportunity to use it?

Practice & Application  Practice helps master skills  Reading  Writing  Listening  Speaking  Proficiency depends on opportunities for comprehensible input and targeted output

Practice & Application  Carefully choose activities in lesson  Activities must support students’ progress  Must target content and language objectives  Differentiation

Hands-On Practice with New Knowledge  Hands-on materials/manipulatives  Makes practice more relative & meaningful  Increases chances of mastery  Enhances overall practice session  Connects abstract to the concrete AbStrAcTAbStrAcT Concrete Hands-on materials

Fortune Teller 1. Fold the bottom (short end) of a sheet of paper so that it is aligned with one side of the paper. Crease side making a big triangle. Cut the extra piece of the paper so that only the triangle remains. 2. Fold the triangle in half to make a smaller triangle. Crease the edges well. 3. Unfold the FT completely (square with lines to the center). Fold each of the four corners into the very center of the square (do not let the sides overlap). 4. Turn the FT over and fold each of the new corners into the center again. Crease all the edges well!

Fortune Teller 5. Fold the FT in half to form a rectangle. 6. Fold the FT in half one more time so that it is one small square. 7. Unfold the last two folds 8. Gently pull out the square flaps and insert your index fingers and thumbs of the FT in order to use.

Studies Show that We Learn

Increasing Learning  You can move student learning toward the bottom of the pyramid, thus increasing learning, if you give them time to cooperatively and independently practice with their new knowledge

Application of Content and Language Knowledge in New Ways  How much material should be covered at once?  How long in time should practice periods be?  Small, meaningful amounts of material  Short practice times Questions to considerAnswers to remember

Practice & Application  How often should students practice?  How will students know how well they have done?  New material  Practice frequently  Old material  Space sessions  Give specific feedback Questions to considerAnswers to remember

Practice & Application

Applying Knowledge  Activities to apply content & language knowledge  Discussing and “doing” make concepts concrete  Involvement in relevant & meaningful application

What is meaningful practice…? Practice that is directly tied to a standard

Carousel Brainstorming  Post charts on the wall with key questions or ideas at the top.  Groups are formed and one person scribes for the group and adds to the chart as they brainstorm.  Groups move to a new chart, read other groups’ responses and then add to the chart.  Teams may use a different color of marker.

Practice & Application - Graffiti  In the version of graffiti described here, each group uses a different colored marker so that everyone can identify which group made which contribution to the charts. Pictures and graphics are encouraged, rather than simply written expressions.  After a specified period (usually no more than three to five minutes), and at a specific signal, each group rotates to the next chart page until the group has traveled full circle and arrived back at its page.  The rotation and recording aspect of the strategy should take about 15 to 20 minutes. If groups have too much time at any chart page, there won’t be anything for subsequent groups to write.  Subsequent groups may put checkmarks beside ideas to agree with them, may write disagreements beside items already recorded, or may add new information and ideas to the chart page.

Practice & Application-Vygotsky  Correcting Errors – Zone of Proximal Development which is the difference between what a learner can do without help and what he or she can do with help. Current level of development “Zone of Proximal Development” (can be learned with “scaffolding”) Level of development currently out of reach

Errors  What about errors?  Level of development  L1  Culture  Questions to consider:  Does the error impair meaning?  Are others making the same/similar mistakes?  Is a mini-lesson necessary?

ZPD Examples  A student is able to perform simple addition when working with a teacher or parent, but is frustrated when performing the task alone. By guiding the student to use tools and strategies, and by asking questions about why he/she is using each tool or strategy, the student is able to fortify knowledge and eventually add independently.  A 16 year old is able to effectively drive forward and backward but cannot parallel park. Through targeted guidance from a teacher, the child is able to learn how to park.  A child is struggling to learn how to read. By working with the student to teach how to sound out words and use other word recognition strategies, the child is able to learn to read.  An aspiring swimmer is attempting to learn a difficult dive. Knowing the strengths that she possesses in other diving techniques, her coach is able to directly target her instruction so that she can confidently conquer the dive.

Language Skills Activities should integrate all language skills  Reading, writing, listening & speaking  Read what we write  Talk about what we read  Listen to others talk about their reading

Language Skills speaking & listening  L1 – speaking & listening acquired first reading & writing  L2 – reading & writing acquired first  All skills are interconnected  Different learning styles

Language Skills Reading Listening Speaking Writing Language

Language Skills “…although all identified language objectives in a lesson need to be practiced & applied as the lesson advances, not all language skills that are practiced need to be tied to an objective…”

Turn and discuss…  Think about a college or graduate school course. What is one activity you remember well? What made it memorable? Did it involve different learning styles or senses?  Now, think about a recent lesson you taught or observed. Was there an activity that would be memorable for the students? If not how could the activity have been more engaging and unforgettable? Did you incorporate all four language domains?  Explain to a partner why it is important to link practice & application activities to the learning objectives.

One Pager  Create a “One-Pager” using the information you have learned today in the Practice and Application sessions  See the handout for specifics  Be creative  Make this a useful tool to help you remember the content of today’s session

TPR  Create your own TPR signals for the different concepts we have just learned for Practice and Application  Practice your signals  Each group presents to the whole group

Create your own TPR movement  Hands-On Practice with New Knowledge  Application of Content and Language Knowledge in New Ways  Integration of All Language Skills

Practice & Application Activities  Bingo  BYO Jeopardy  Poetry & Patterns – Math Haikus  Graphic Organizers  Jigsaw projects  Vocabulary Go Fish  Chants  Songs  Texas Two Step  Family Feud  Student created word problems  Student created test questions  Teach concepts to another student  Discussion circles  Solving problems in cooperative groups

Discussion Questions  What adjustments & techniques can a teacher use to provide ELs with successful experiences while they read, write, listen, & speak about new information?  What materials could you use in your classroom to meet all language skills?  Think back to a lesson you have given or been a part of. What could have been done differently to ensure meaning for all learners?

Conclusion  Integrate 4 language components  Practice & application are essential for mastery  Patience with errors  Enhance with hands-on activities  Not all skills are linked to an objective

Teaching scenarios  Read the scenario, evaluate, and discuss the lesson  Mr. Nguyen, page 144  Ms. Dowden, page 145  Miss Delgado, page 146

Teaching scenarios  SIOP evaluation Hands-on materials & manipulatives Activities for language & content Integration of all language skills Mr. Nguyen233 Ms. Dowden444 Miss Delgado112
