The Drying Process Nigel Hewitt Technical Manager
Traditional Methods Evaporation Air movement –Air movers –Injection Drying Systems –Tenting
Traditional Methods Dehumidifiers –Domestic Refrigerant –Commercial Refrigerant –Low Grain Refrigerant –Desiccants
What Effects The Drying TEMP AIRFLOW Humidity
Surface Free Water Bound Water Temperature Humidity Airflow
The Way Forward ? Traditional –Dehumidification New Technologies –Heat –Speed –Size –Cost
Heat Drying Systems Convection Drying Systems –Open type Heats Air Built in moisture evacuation –Hydronic Heats Liquid Glycol Problems evacuating moisture
How They Work Vapour Pressure –High always goes to low (When it can) Add heat to a wet surface increases its vapour pressure A 10ºC rise in temperature doubles the rate of evaporation
Heat Drying Systems TES System Dryair System Aquadry
Large Drying Systems Large Desiccants –Corroventa –Arid Dry Some add Heat –Concept
New Technologies Environmental Control Units –Heating –Dehumidification –Cooling
Which Method Is Best What are we trying to achieve Are the new systems Best –Where do we use them –Do they have issues Is there still a place for traditional methods
Any Questions Thank You