Warm-upReviewNew Material Guided and Ind. Practice Homework Freedom from discrimination through literature Harlem Renaissance onpublicschools.net/ Portals/7/Social%20 Studies/Gerlich/A.P. U.S.%20History/XI/ Harlem%20Renaiss ance.pdf Langston Hughes’ Poetry sa.org/sites/default/fil es/pdfs/freedom_fro m_discrimination_in_l iterature.pdfhttp:// sa.org/sites/default/fil es/pdfs/freedom_fro m_discrimination_in_l iterature.pdf Langston Hughes Poetry /viewmedia.php/prm MID/ ter.com/poem/dinner- guest-me/ ter.com/poem/childre n-s-rhymes/ Read poetry and discuss Begin next lesson s.un.org/discrim/race.asphttp://cyberschoolbu s.un.org/discrim/race.asp Final lesson on discrimination and prejudice
Warm-upReviewNew Material Guided and Ind. Practice Homework s.un.org/discrim/race.asphttp://cyberschoolbu s.un.org/discrim/race.asp Final lesson on discrimination and prejudice Students respond to prompt "What would a racism-free society look like?", In 5 paragraph essay format
Warm-up Poverty and Hunger Unit Review world/en/ world/en/ Factsheet to explore and discuss New Material Guided and Ind. Practice Homework Day dedicated to playing Fragile Food Chains- a game that simulates food chain shortages from a personal perspective Students have 10 minutes to cut up materials while listening to directions
Warm-upReviewNew Material Guided and Ind. Practice Homework Finish/Discuss Fragile Food Chain Game Begin the exploration of the site ngminds.org/fmf hhttp:// ngminds.org/fmf h Discover the Right to Food Animation
Warm-upReviewNew Material Guided and Ind. Practice Homework Discuss Findings from yesterday Continue ngminds.org/fmf hhttp:// ngminds.org/fmf h Discover the Right to Food Animation