Spiritual Leadership Coaching A coaching relationship creates movement into Spirit-led, Christ- glorifying initiatives.
8 Coaching skills
1.Active Listening 2.Asking Precise Questions
Movement in the Core Active ListeningPrecise Questioning
8 Coaching skills 3.Identifying Actions 4.Direct Messaging
8 Coaching skills 5.Acknowledging 6.Sharing Self 7.Silence 8.Synthesizing
Collaborative Conversation Establish Focus Vision Reality, Values, Goals Discover Possibilities Decision- making factors Plan the Action Who will follow through? Who will support? Remove Barriers …from future view Review Who will do this? When? Present RealityVision Reality
The Hourglass Model Identify the "Take Away." Clarify & Focus Confirm, re- focus, find actionable goal Explore options, align actions, & strategy Jane Creswell, Christ Centered Coaching