SCIENTIFIC METHOD 1. Identify the Problem What do you want to learn? 2. Do Background Research & Form a Hypothesis Find out as much as you can. 3. Test Your Hypothesis /Create an Experiment After doing your research, try to predict the answer to the problem. Design a test or procedure to find out if your hypothesis is correct. 4. Perform an Experiment The fun part! Collect data. 5. Analyze the Data Record/Review what happened during the experiment. 6. Draw a Conclusion & Communicate the Results Review the data and check to see if your hypothesis was correct.
I NDEPENDENT & D EPENDENT V ARIABLE Independent Variable – the variable that is varied or manipulated by the researcher Dependent Variable –the response that is measured Example: “There will be a statistically significant difference in graduation rates of at- risk high-school seniors who participate in an intensive study program as opposed to at-risk high-school seniors who do not participate in the intensive study program”.
L AB N OTEBOOK O RGANIZATION Lab Notebook Inserts: Cover labels Safety Contract or Safety Rules Science Notebook Guidelines Scientific Process Skills Lab Equipment Measurement Handouts Laboratory Report Format Laboratory Report Score Sheet STAAR Reference Materials Notebook Grading Rubrics
S CIENCE L AB N OTEBOOK Inside Cover Safety Rules and Contract Title Page Student ‟ s Name Class Class Period/Section School Year Decorate your page
S CIENCE L AB N OTEBOOK Table of Contents (3 pages) Date Activity Title Page Page 1 Scientific Processes for Experimental Investigations Problem Hypothesis Materials Procedure Data Results Conclusions Applications
S CIENCE L AB N OTEBOOK Page 2 (on the back of page 1). Processes for Comparative and Descriptive Investigations Ask questions - Make inferences - Select and use appropriate tools Observe Describe Compare and contrast - Graph - Illustrate - Measure & Investigate Pages 3/4 Course Tools - Lab Equipment Lab Equipment used in this course.
S CIENCE L AB N OTEBOOK Page 5 Measurement Information This is used as an ongoing reference for measurement. Resource Section (back pages) Laboratory Report Format Laboratory Report Scoring Sheet Notebook Grading Rubrics STAAR Reference Materials or other reference materials
S CIENCE L AB N OTEBOOK Inside Back Cover Science Notebook Guidelines and Expectations
MSDS S HEET A CTIVITY Identify the following information for your product: 1. MSDS Name/Chemical Name 2. Hazard 3. First Aid 4. Physical/Chemical Properties 5. Handling & Storage 6. Ecological Information 7. Disposal Considerations 8. Stability and Reactivity 9. Fire Fighting Measures