REGIONAL EDUCATIONAL LAB ~ APPALACHIA The Effects of Kentucky Virtual High School’s Hybrid Course in Algebra I on Teaching Practices, Classroom Quality, and Adolescent Learning On-Line Collaboration April 2009 Series Research Plans for Year Two, & Classroom Visit Results
GOALS FOR ON-LINE COLLABORATION On-line Collaboration using Horizon Wimba: Share teaching strategies/resources, Discuss planning instruction, Analyze student work, Share formative and summative assessment instruments/strategies that move learning forward, Provide instructional structures where “feedback is focused on how students can improve related to learning goals,” Others as defined by teachers and as needed to address issues in the field – including new learning that promotes student achievement.
AGENDA General Information Posting Note-taking Devices, Materials, Power Points, Tracking Tools, and/or other Instructional Materials Transitioning to , Year Two of the Algebra I Hybrid Research Study Tracking Course Statistics Summarizing Research School Visits Next Steps for May
NUTS & BOLTS Technology Issues Control Panel Hints March On-Line Synthesis May On-Line Series – Student Work?? If you have created any tracking tools or projects please send them to us so that we can capture evidence and tell the hybrid Algebra story!
HYBRIDALGEBRA WIKI POSTING OF NOTE-TAKING DEVICES and/or OTHER INSTRUCTIONAL ACTIVITIES Go to Login using your username and password created previously Click on the link to the Lesson Plans pageLesson Plans Click on the edit this page button
Editing the Page The editing toolbar will appear at the top of the page Find the “Insert Images and Files” button
Inserting an Image or File Click on Insert Image and File button Choose to browse for the file to be uploaded Select the file Click Upload Choose Links to the file
Inserting File into the Page Place cursor in the page, where you want to insert the new file (other wise it will insert the file at the top of the page). Double click on the file you want to insert, close ‘Images & Files’ Click ‘Save’ on the editing toolbar DONE!
COHORT II TRANSITION FROM RESEARCH YEAR 1 TO YEAR 2 Letter from REL summarizing Cohort 2 Treatment Schools’ responsibilities for Year Two, Algebra I Teachers’ names for , school year confirmed and sent to REL. New Teachers begin PD training, June , 2009.
COHORT II TRANSITION FROM RESEARCH YEAR 1 TO YEAR 2 ( cont.) Templates for student rosters will be e- mailed in mid-July. Cohort 2 teachers complete student rosters and send to KDE (Kari Welch) by August 15. Students in computer lab using KYVS 40% of the time within two weeks of school opening. KDE points of contact remain the same as
TRACKING ALGEBRA I COURSE STATISTICS Algebra I Course, Semester I Control Panel Assessment Course Statistics Enter a starting date of June 1, 2008, and leave the ending date Submit
TRACKING COURSE STATISTICS Access and Application Access by dates spread across the school year Usage by days of each month Access by hours of the day and days of the week Displays all students from teacher roster Total column is cumulative
COHORT II SPRING SCHOOL VISITS – POINTS of DISCUSSION What questions are posed that engage students in open-ended thinking? (In classroom discussion) Is your tracking tool scaffolded & open-ended? How do you transition from face-to-face to independent/virtual environment? Is critical vocabulary developed? How? Are students logging on using their 10 digit SID # and are they using earphones?
HYBRID LEARNING Classroom opener that accesses prior knowledge or hooks students into new learning; Statement of learning goals; Expectations for learning & behavior within the virtual environment; what is the new learning and how does this connect to the KYVS Lessons; whole group discussion of key concepts; framing the lesson around what the students should bring out of the lesson rather than just mentioning the lesson; Transitions/segues to the virtual lab’; Laboratory activities – whole group discussion of key concepts, applet manipulations, clarifying any misunderstandings, extending thinking; Closure/Reflections.
LESSON DESIGN USING KYVS LESSONS Learning Goals: Verbalizing these goals with students and connecting to the Program of Studies Learning Cycle: Activating Prior Knowledge, New Learning, Reflections Vocabulary: Critical to communicating understanding Multiple Representations: NAGS where Numbers within the table of values, Algebra within the equation, Graph of the algebraic equation, Sentence to describe the mathematics
REMINDERS ► Office Hours (Monday 9 – 10 EST & Tuesday 1 -2 EST) ► Help Line: - Bb: KDE, Paula White: (#4512) - KDE, Kari Welch: (#4546) - for STUDENT & TEACHER ENROLLMENTS - KDE, Grace Yeh: (#4537) – for TECHNICAL SUPPORT - Identify yourself as HYBRID ALGEBRA I TEACHER, COHORT II ► May 18 (4:30 EST), 20 TH & 21 ST (3:30 EST) On-Line Collaboration, Celebration of our first research year