Getting Ready for the Professional Growth & Effectiveness System AISD Getting Ready for the Professional Growth & Effectiveness System AISD
Goals for the day: Objective 1: Understand what the new Professional Growth and Effectiveness System (PGES) entails Objective 2. Understand future expectations for the field test and full implementation in 2014 – 2015
FROM QUALIFIED TO EFFECTIVE ESEA Waiver used for continual improvement; differentiate performance use multiple, valid measures evaluate regularly provide useful feedback, used to inform personnel decisions
A COMMON UNDERSTANDING OF EFFECTIVENESS FFT graphic… themes, etc Domain 1: Planning & Preparation Domain 2: Classroom Environment Domain 3: Instruction Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities Domain 5: Student Growth
PERFORMANCE LEVELS: IneffectiveDevelopingAccomplishedExemplary Unsafe Lack of… Unaware Harmful Unclear Poor Unsuitable Little or no understanding None Partial Generally Inconsistently Attempts Awareness Moderate Minimal Low expectations Some Consistent Frequent Successful Appropriate Clear Positive Smooth High expectations Most Seamless Solid Subtle Skillful Preventative Leadership Rigor/linked to student interests STUDENTS Always Teacher-directed success! Student-directed success !
PEER OBSERVATION For formative use only NO ratings will be given Allows the observer and the teacher to: Develop reflective practice Share best teaching practices Gain new ideas and fresh perspectives about teaching Enhance skills Improve the quality of the learning experience made available to studen ts
PROFESSIONAL GROWTH AND SELF REFLECTION Integrated into one process and will be available electronically through Educator Development Suite within CIITS. Teachers will engage in critical self- examination of practice, skills, and improving classroom practice. Teachers will use goal-setting process and data from observations, student voice, and student achievement to identify supports needed for growth. SMART Goals will be required/rigorous and standards- based.
STUDENT VOICE Students – best predictors of teacher effectiveness Online Survey (grades 3 – 12) K-2 version – done in small group with a facilitator other than the teacher
STUDENT GROWTH For Tested Grades and Subjects: Tested grades and subjects will receive Student Growth Percentiles from state assessments. SGP’s focus on the relative standing of a student from year to year compared to the student’s academic peers. Did the student outpace his peer group? For Non-Assessed Grades and Subjects: Non-assessed grades and subjects will utilize Student Growth Goals. This process is in cooperation with Dr. James Stronge’s work. This is a process by which teachers, with the support and input of the principal, establish growth goals for a group of students.
STATEWIDE PILOT All districts will participate in the statewide field test Teacher participants will be selected by the principal Within each participating school, the minimum number of teachers participating will be ELA: 1 Math: 1 ELL/SWD: 1 Non-Assessed: 2
AISD TIMELINE Still to come….. Administrative training Teacher training Additional information from KDE Planning for implementation in each building Information posted on website