Administrators Academy August 15, 2007
College Prepared and Career Ready
LAUSD Mission LAUSD will provide high quality instruction and a coherent and rigorous curriculum in every classroom to facilitate student learning and achievement.
LAUSD Continuous Improvement Goals Improve our use of research and evaluation to hold us accountable to an improvement cycle Improve the capacity and performance of adults on a continual basis. Improve the use of internally and externally derived innovations to drive change. Improve our engagement of parents and community in the work of teaching and caring for our children. Improve the physical and emotional safety of the learning environment for adults and children to enhance learning and achievement.
Overarching Goal All students will receive a guaranteed, viable curriculum so that by June, 2008, the following percentage of students, including subgroups, will be at proficient or advanced as evidenced by these NCLB goals: ELAMath High School33.4%32.2% Middle School35.2%37.0% Elementary35.2%45.0%
The How=Theory of Action=Our Strategy
Leadership Professional Learning Communities Guaranteed and Viable Curriculum Literacy focus
Sequence of our work Essential Standards Content standards, Instructional Guides, Blueprints (CST, CAHSEE) Curriculum map Periodic assessments Foundational work Initial work
Sequence of our work Essential Standards Content standards, Instructional Guides, Blueprints (CST, CAHSEE) Curriculum map Periodic assessments Common formative assessments SMART goals Execute a rigorous lesson Look at student work/analyze data Share best practices Intervention Continuous cycle of improvement Reflective cycle (The Seven Steps) Foundational work Initial work
Current tools in the system State frameworks, instructional guides, CST blueprints, CST released items, CAHSEE blueprints, concept lessons, Open Court, immersion units, periodic assessments, Achievement Solutions and more.
Professional development Professional development will be the work that happens in the learning teams. The traditional professional development where individuals go and get some type of learning will need to become more the exception and more directly tied to the learning needs of the learning teams and seen through the lens of student learning rather than on teaching.
By June, 2008, the goal is to complete as many cycles as possible. Common formative assessments SMART goals Execute a rigorous lesson Look at student work/analyze data Share best practices Intervention Continuous improvement cycle Reflective cycle (The Seven Steps)
Local District 6 Results Collaboration All Students