Unification of the Hawaiian Islands
Unification Unification definition: The bringing together into ONE unit. – The separate islands of Hawaii now under one nation – Hawaii! – Under one ruler – Kamehameha.
Sequencing Events of Unification 1782 – Kalaniopuʻu(King of Hawaii Island) dies – Kiwalaʻo(son of Kalaniopuʻu) is killed at the battle of Mokuʻohai by Kamehameha’s forces – Keoua(son of Kalaniopuʻu) is killed by Keʻeaumoku, one of Kamehameha’s warriors – Battle of Nuʻuanu. The death of Kalanikupule (Kahekili’s son).
Civil War in Hawaii Civil War definition: War amongst the people of the SAME country/nation. Hawaiians fought against Hawaiians for control of their land or to conquer land. Kamehameha needed to try to restore peace amongst the people of Hawaii after he unified the islands. His attempt was the “Law of the Splintered Paddle.”
The “Law of the Splintered Paddle” Mamalahoe or “splintered paddle.” Kamehameha I created this law in 1797 due to attacks on him by his own people. This law would punish crimes of theft and murder. Consequence – DEATH (originally with a “splintered paddle.”
“Oh people, honor thy God. Respect alike the rights of people great and humble; May everyone, from the old men and women to the children be free to go forth and lay in the road without fear of harm. Break this law, and die.”
Life under Kamehameha I 1.Based government on the traditional Hawaiian land system. a. His chiefs were in charge of sections of land (ahupuaʻa). b. Chiefs collected “taxes” from the makaʻainana in the form of food and other gifts(no money system).
Life under Kamehameha I 2.The Kapu System a.A set of rules/laws telling the Hawaiian people what they could and could not do. b.Kapu translate to “forbidden” or “sacred.” c.Breaking a Kapu would lead to immediate death(or severe physical punishment).
Examples of Kapu Commoners could not look an aliʻi in the eye. Men and women could not eat together. Women could not eat certain foods(pork, bananas, coconut, taro, certain fish, etc.). Certain fish could not be caught or consumed throughout the year. Certain animals could not be hunted throughout the year.
Overall Purpose of Kapu under Kamehameha? To replenish Hawaii after years of war ruining the environment. It allowed the crops, animals, and sea life to have a chance to mature. It gave order in Hawaii and “power” to men who were considered the leaders.