Presidential VS. Parliamentary Democracy THE UNITED KINGDOM, RUSSIA, CANADA, AND GERMANY
United Kingdom Parliamentary Democracy This means the citizens do not elect their executive branch of government (one who enforces laws and heads the government and military) Instead he is the leader of the political party that has the most votes to the House of Commons (legislative branch that the people elected) Parliament has 2 branches-House of Lords and House of Commons-the House of Commons is the most powerful and elected
Germany Parliamentary Democracy The people elect two houses-the Bundestag and the Bundesrat. Both houses are elected, the Bundestag at the central government level and the Bundesrat at the state level The Bundestag elects the Grand Chancellor-the German Head of Government. The people also elect a President, but he has very little power and is a ceremonial position much like the Queen in the United Kingdom
Russia Presidential Democracy The people directly elect their president. They have a separate branch of government that makes laws…Just like the United States. Their Legislative Branch is called the Federal Assembly and is made up of the Federation Council and the State Duma