The Microbe Quiz In each question you will click over your answer. To continue the quiz please click the arrow or click try again when you have an incorrect answer. Click here to enter the world of microbes. By Candida Monteiro
The Microbe Quiz Read the text below then answer the question by hovering your mouse over the answer: My name is Staphylococcus. I am round in shape and I like to live in your nose or armpit! If I live on your skin I can give you spots. If I get into your bloodstream I can make you ill! What am I? Am I a virus? Can I be bacteria? Or am I a fungi?
Wrong Answer! Click here to try again
Correct! Keep going
My name is Lactobacillus. People call me ‘friendly’ because I change milk into yogurt! When you eat me in yogurt I live in your guts and help you digest other food. What am I? Lactobacillus is a: Bacteria? Fungi? Virus?
Great work you are correct!
Opps! Wrong answer. Try again
I’m called a Dermatophyte and I like to live on your skin. I especially like living in damp places like between the toes on sweaty feet! When I live there I give people athlete’s foot! What am I? Dermatophytes are: Fungi? Bacteria? Virus?
Oh no! That is the incorrect answer. Try again
Well Done! That is the correct answer
My name is Influenza but my friends call me the ‘flu’. I’m very generous; I like to give people headaches and fever. I easily spread from person to person through coughing and sneezing. What am I? Influenza is a: Virus? Fungi? Bacteria?
Well Done! Ready for the next question?
Bad Luck! Try again
My name is Penicillium and you’ll find me growing on old oranges, or stale bread. I make them look mouldy. Humans use me to make an antibiotic known as Penicillin which can make them better if they have a bacterial infection! What am I? Penicillium is a: Bacteria? Virus? Fungi?
Sorry Wrong Answer! Try Again
Fantastic! That is correct
My name is Campylobacter. I have a pretty spiral shape and I like to live in chickens but if I get into your tummy I make you very ill – I can give you diarrhoea! What am I? Campylobacter is a: Virus? Fungi? Bacteria?
Incorrect! Try Again
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Fascinating Fact Many of our everyday illnesses are caused by viruses, for example: Fascinating Fact Many of our everyday illnesses are caused by viruses, for example: Most Earaches Colds Flu Most Earaches Colds Flu Most Coughs Most Sore Throats Most Coughs Most Sore Throats Click here to redo the quiz! Click here to redo the quiz but harder.
Welcome to the microbes quiz 2 This time you will guess which microbe it is and it’s microbes family! Hard, well have a go, if it’s to hard click the button give up and you will go to the selection slide! GOOD LUCK Click the arrow when your ready.
You’ll find me growing on old oranges, or stale bread. I make them look mouldy. Humans use me to make an antibiotic which can make them better if they have a bacterial infection! What am I? Virus and Influenza Fungi and Lactobacillus Fungi and Penicillium Clue: I’m a Fungi Give up!
Sorry that is incorrect! Please click the arrow to continue
Correct click on the arrow to continue
I have a pretty spiral shape and I like to live in chickens but if I get into your tummy I make you very ill – I can give you diarrhoea! What am I? Give up! Clue: 3 type of bacteria's rod, balls and spiral Bacteria and Campylobacter Virus and Dermatophyte Fungi and Campylobacter
Sorry that is incorrect! Please click the arrow to continue
Correct click on the arrow to continue
I am round in shape and I like to live in your nose or armpit! If I live on your skin I can give you spots. If I get into your bloodstream I can make you ill! What am I? Virus and Bacteria No Clues! Give up! Bacteria and Staphylococcus Fungi and Staphylococcus
Sorry that is incorrect! Please click the arrow to continue
Correct click on the arrow to continue
Only just 3 questions? Click on the arrow for more…..
What are they? Microbes are living organisms. We have 3 different microbes. Have a guess, click the picture.
Bacteria? Fungi ? Virus? That’s right! Bacteria, virus and fungi are our 3 microbes. Click on me to see zoom in pictures of microbes.
That will be all for now so run before I give you a disease! CLICK HERE TO RUN! Or you can click here to learn abut animal cells.
I’m coming!!!!!!!! Click here to run!
Time to take a rest, click on me to take your medication! Or click on Amy the girl to play the sinking tree game!
Welcome to the sinking tree game. Here are the instructions: For Part 1 Click on any of the microbe that helps us. If you click a dangerous microbe I will sink in and in to the tree. Part 2: Answer a question correctly and I will begin to get out of the tree, answer a question incorrectly I will sink in and in. Are you ready to play? Click on me to start!
Click on a helpful microbe!
Great work! Ready for the next! Click on a friendly microbe again!
Oh no your sinking in! Click here to try again
Which is the largest microbe? Fungi Virus Bacteria
Oh no almost game over! Click here to continue