School Improvement Planning Training for
Move over FCAT, there’s a new test in town! How will classroom instruction need to change to prepare students for the challenge of Florida Standards?
4 DOK Level 2: Apply, categorize, determine cause and effect, compare, show, solve, infer, make observations, organize, predict
6 6 th Grade ELA 3 rd Grade Math
7 7-8th Grade Math 5 th Grade ELA- Writing
8 How will classroom instruction need to change to prepare students for the challenge of Florida Standards? Talk to your table partners and record a list of your top 5. Be prepared to share one.
9 What will educational leaders need to do to prepare for the challenge of Florida Standards? Talk to your table partners and record a list of your top 5. Be prepared to share one.
Rigor Getting to Conceptual Understanding Surface Understanding – ideas and facts Deep Understanding – cognitively more challenging Conceptual understanding – surface + deep 10 What does it look like? What teachers do matter.
11 Resource:
12 Directions: Rate your school on a scale of on implementation of these key ideas. What else do you think needs to be added to make the concept map complete?
Rationale – We are questioning We are looking for a path to reach more students and have them be successful. A system of continuous improvement can help us achieve this goal Without data, we can’t ask the right questions that push us forward. It allows us to better define the issues and search for solutions. Recognize our errors and correct them. 14
Goals School Improvement Plan Goals Focused School Improvement Big, Hairy, Audacious Goal