Background Historic data sets are really only available for Sandy and Clackamas. Current harvest management uses these populations as drivers, but we know.


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Presentation transcript:

Background Historic data sets are really only available for Sandy and Clackamas. Current harvest management uses these populations as drivers, but we know that the Clackamas in particular is one of the healthier populations we have. Conservative harvest rates implemented due to uncertainty in how Sandy/Clackamas relate to other LCR populations.

Reinitiate consultation on the current LCR coho harvest BiOp What new info is available for LCR pops. Full seeding levels What levels are appropriate Relationship to target abundances in Recovery Plan Develop for other populations Propose revised harvest matrix Account for weaker strata/populations (similar to OCN) Add coastal strata (Or/Wa), Washington Cascades Includes risk assessment

Parental Escapement (adults to “fully” seed system with smolts) Marine Survival Index (based on return of jacks per hatchery smolt) Critical (<0.0008) Low (< ) Medium (< ) High (> ) High> 0.75 full seeding < 8.0%< 15.0%< 30.0%< 45.0% Medium0.75 to 0.50 full seeding < 8.0%< 15.0%< 20.0%< 38.0% Low0.50 to 0.20 full seeding < 8.0%< 15.0% < 25.0% Very Low0.20 to 0.10 of full seeding < 8.0%< 11.0% Critical< 0.10 of full seeding 0 – 8.0%

Completed or Mostly Completed Data for Oregon and Washington completed. Productivity parameters updated. Derived estimates of “full-seeding” for populations. Constructed revised PVA model structure.

Next Steps Conduct risk assessments. Test various harvest matrix and structures. (Rinse and repeat) Prepare final proposal and submit to NOAA. Goal is final review/adoption by PFMC in October 2013.