Visual Rhetoric Josh Owen
What is the purpose of this picture?
The purpose of this picture is to inform the audience of the addiction that many people have for TV, and if parents watch TV a lot then that habit can rub off on their children.
Why does the child have a TV for an eye?
The child’s eye is a TV because in today’s home, most of a person’s free time is spent watching TV.
Do the Black and white effects change the meaning?
Yes the black and white colors changes the meaning of the picture because there is no artificial light from the TV being shown on the child’s face.
Why this image is credible This image is credible because it was used as a visual rhetoric project at The College of New Rochelle. Professor Jen Heuson used it for a class assignment on November 21, 2007.
What is the logical appeal of this photo?
What is the logical appeal of this picture? The logical appeal of this photo is that in so many homes these days, families have TV’s that are constantly on and have people watching them. Instead of being a pass time, TV is more of an addiction now a days.
What is the ethical appeal of this picture?
This image is ethical because it was used by a college professor in a class.
What is the emotional appeal of this picture?
The emotional appeal that this image gives me is sadness. It is sad because studies have shown that children who watch TV instead of playing outside and getting exercise usually are unhealthier than children who get exercise.
Works Cited Jen. ”She’s Got Your Eyes.” blogspot.irachelle.blogspot,21 Nov Web. 11 Nov. 2011