Sponsored by the National Science Foundation OKGems Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review Oklahoma State University and University of Florida PI: Xiaolin (Andy)


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Presentation transcript:

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation OKGems Spiral 2 Year-end Project Review Oklahoma State University and University of Florida PI: Xiaolin (Andy) Li CoPIs: Johnson Thomas, Nazanin Rahnavar, Weihua Shen Students: Li Yu, Han Zhao, Praveen K., Xinxin Liu, Nhat Nguyen 8/26/2010

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 2 Project Summary The overall goal of this project is to integrate cyber-physical systems of multi- modalities (sensor networks, robots, and PCs) into the GENI global environment, under ORCA framework. Develop sensor network testbed based on KanseiGenie Develop robotics testbed Design software components for sensor networks and robotics Integrate all testbeds under ORCA and across sites. 8/26/2010

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 3 Milestone & QSR Status IDMilestoneStatusOn Time? On Wiki? GPO signoff? S2.a Plan to integrate sensor nodes Decided to use KanseiGenie as a base for OKGems On Time Yes S2.b Cluster plan for VLANs between testbeds IT department will support on Layer 3 VLANs only On Time Yes S2.cIntegrate lab sensor nodesCreated a testbed at LabOn Time Yes S2.dIntegrate field sensor nodes Integrated the field sensor nodes (10)On Time YesNo S2.ePlan to integrate robotic nodes Created a virtual lab for robotic arms and iRobot (independently so far) On Time YesNo QSR: 4Q2009DoneYes QSR: 1Q2010DoneYes QSR: 2Q2010DoneYes No 8/26/2010

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 4 Accomplishments 1: Advancing GENI Spiral 2 Goals Created sensor network testbeds in lab and in the field, which will be further used for next year development and refinement Created an initial testbed for robotics, which helps us distill requirements and abstractions to control robots remotely Sensor networks at two sites (OkSU and UF) are under development, which can help our research on cross-site sensor networks 8/26/2010

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 5 Accomplishments 2: Other Project Accomplishments Outreach –Host a visiting student from Monterrey Institute of Technology, Mexico City Collaboration –Industrial and Systems Engineering 8/26/2010

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 6 Issues 8/26/2010

Sponsored by the National Science Foundation 7 Plans The second & third year plan –Enhance the sensor network testbed under pub/sub framework –Integrate sensor networks into ORCA framework –Integrate robots testbed (iGem) into the ORCA framework –Cross-site integration between OkSU, UF, OhSU, and WSU The GPO is starting to formulate goals for Spiral 3. What are your thoughts regarding potential Spiral 3 work? –Cross-site integration of cyber-physical system –Inter-operation among GENI, FutureGrid, and other Cloud platforms –Reach out for adopters of our robotics virtual lab and integrated CPS testbed 8/26/2010