Chapter 1 Introduction: Underpinning Ideas Human Communication on the Internet Shedletsky & Aitken
Framework of the book The theme of this book: there are many paradoxes of human communication on the Internet; The book is a mixture of theory, speculation, research findings, and interaction with the reader; The book is about communication-- communication on the Internet;
Purpose The book is written by teachers who are trying to interact with the reader, the student; You are invited to interact with the material, the Internet and with your course web site or the book’s website;
Interactivity You are invited to explore the Internet and to write to the course (or book) website, look at each chapter’s –Concepts for Analysis –Case for Discussion –Internet Investigation Be a participant/observer as you use the Internet and share your observations with your classmates;
How we see ourselves We are users of this technology, not technical experts; We want to explore how the Internet influences our communication lives; You are living this experience and so you have valuable insights to offer;
Some c oncep ts the book explores Paradox Global Village Cultural Homogenization Interpersonal Communication Meaning-making Intensity Play Convergence Intrapersonal Communication