It was founded in 1147 by Yuri Dolgoruky. The population is 10,407,000 The area is 1,081 The city stands on the Moscow river Moscow is a port of five seas, as the Moscow-Volga Canal links Moscow with the Baltic, White, Black, Azov seas
It’s the heart of the city It’s 695 metres long An area is about 70,000
It was built on the square by Russian masters Postnik and Barma in It is a unique creation of Russian national art
Near the Cathedral stands the monument to Minin and Pozharsky This monument depicts the heroic meeting of Kozma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky Under the leadership of these heroes of the 1612 war, the Russian people drove the Polish envaders out of Moscow
In front of the Kremlin Wall is the Lenin Mausoleum.
It’s one of the central street. It’s one of the longest and busiest streets in the city The building of the Moscow City Government is in Tverskaya street
The oldest theatre of opera and ballet. The best ballet performances and Russian and Foreign operas are performed in it
If you are not so much a fan of opera and ballet you can go tooperaballet an old-fashioned theatre
The Bolshoi and the Maly Theatres are in the centre of Moscow in Teatralnaya Square
It’s a two-minute walk from the Teatralnaya Square
It was opened in 1880 The Old Circus has always had the reputatation of one of the best circuses in the in the world It is on Tsvetnoi Boulevard
sealsdolphins sea lions What a delight it is when a dolphin touches your hand white whale Marine mammals