North Africa and Southwest Asia
Capital-Cairo Delta: Area formed by soil deposited at mouth of the river Hieroglyphics: writing using symbols
Mosque: places of worship for Islam Bazaar: marketplace Oasis: area in desert formed by underground water
Capital: Tripoli Civil War: conflict between groups in the same country Secular: non-religious
Up to 90 percent of the land area is covered in desert Formerly a dictatorship under Muammar Gaddafi, now a democracy
Capital: Tunisia Smallest country in North Africa Was a French colony until 1956 Carthage was once a large empire here
Capital: Algiers Ergs: Large, shifting sand dunes Largest country in North Africa Sells oil and natural gas Was a French colony until 1962
Capital: Rabat Strait of Gibraltar separates Africa (Morocco) from Europe (Spain) Muslim: A follower of Islam Islam: Religion Arab: Person of Middle Eastern descent
Capital: Ankara Was called Ottoman Empire until WWI Istanbul is the only city in world that lies on two continents
Migrate: Move from one place to another Nearly half of the country’s people are farmers Rich in minerals such as coal, copper and iron.
Capital: Damascus Bedouins: nomadic people who follow traditional way of life Center of trade for many centuries Oil is major export Does not allow many freedoms Currently involved in a civil war US embassy just closed there
Capital: Beirut Most densely wooded area of all Middle Eastern countries Still rebuilding after violent civil war that lasted from 80 per cent of the people live in the coastal areas
Capital: Amman Lacks water resources Most people that flee Israel/Palestine conflict settle here Petra is an ancient city carved in a cliff that is located here
Capital: Riyadh Desalinization: take salt out of sea water Hajj: Religious journey (All Muslims are expected to make a hajj to the holy city of Mecca if possible) Customs are based on Quran (Islam’s holy book)
Largest country in SW Asia World’s largest exporter of oil
Capital: Sanna Only country in SW Asia that does not have large deposits of oil Very ancient country
Capital: Baghdad Tigris and Euphrates Rivers are here Saddam Hussein was dictator that was overthrown by U.S. forces after
Capital: Tehran Once known as Persia Elburz and Zagros Mountains here Oil rich nation 98% of people follow Islam Ruled by dictator Used to be ruled by shahs or (kings)
- Law states that women who appear on streets and in public without the prescribed ‘Islamic Hejab’ will be condemned to 74 strokes of the lash. -Dictator does not believe in the Holocaust -The media is controlled by the government, and there is no internet access in this country.
Capital: Kabul Country is landlocked Hindu Kush Mountains here Known to harbor terrorists (Al-Queda) Taliban is a terrorist group that ruled the country until U.S. forces overthrew them after