1 Agri-environment analysis at the EEA Projects and goals of the European Environment Agency
2 Introduction to the EEA The EEA is an EU agency established in 1994 to: collect data and information on the environment in Europe report on main environmental trends and underlying (economic) driving forces by these means lay the basis for environmental decisions by policy makers The EEA has 32 member countries+160 staff, see:
3 EEA agri-env. reporting should: Document AE trends in Europe Be spatially explicit (water basin level, NUTS regions, grid/local level) Link to major policy processes (CAP reform, WFD directive, Natura ) Support environmental policy integration Advance the development of integrated environmental analysis
4 EEA work in the agri-env. field (1) State of environment reporting: Soils: erosion, contamination, urbanisation Land cover change Water: trends in quality and quantity Biodiversity: distribution, state + trends Air emissions: Ammonia and agricultural greenhouse gases Agri-environment indicators
5 EEA work in the agri-env. field (2) Analysis of pressures and policy support: IRENA agri-environment indicators + reports Building environmental farm advice systems Analysing agri-water links, WFD support Regionalising nutrient balances + pressures Scenario studies on farm sector trends Environmental impacts of bio-energy production Climate change: impacts and adaptation
6 Key policy issues and challenges: Bio-energy policy + its impact on land use Water framework directive implementation and cross-compliance Managing nutrient pressures from farming Identifying HNV farmland + farming systems How to improve the geographic targeting of AE policy instruments Support to the implementation of Natura 2000 and the European RD network
7 Organisation of AE analysis at the EEA Water and agriculture group (coordination, water issues, AE indicators) Biodiversity group (HNV farmland, Natura 2000, Indicators for 2010 biodivers. target) Land use group (land cover change, soils, water accounts, ‘rural areas’) Scenario group (trend projections, studies) CC and energy group (bio-energy issues) (+ joint activities with JRC and Eurostat..)
8 Key approaches for AE work of the EEA Continue to cooperate with EU partners Work with Member States and stakeholders (streamlining of reporting, discuss outputs) Aim to provide policy relevant information Use spatialisation and modelling for gaining a better regional picture But: ultimate quality of environmental analysis depends on good input data from env. monitoring + policy implementation
9 Thank you for your attention!
10 A picture of reality(?) - Member State level Cubism/patterns of reality – EU level Abstract painting – data on policy outcome & effectiveness studies(?)