Persuasive Essays And how to write them. The Persuasive Essay usually includes: An introduction Statement of the facts Confirmation Refutation conclusion.


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Presentation transcript:

Persuasive Essays And how to write them

The Persuasive Essay usually includes: An introduction Statement of the facts Confirmation Refutation conclusion

Arranging the parts is simple: Introduce the topic of the paper and the thesis statement (The thesis statement is almost always at the end of the introduction) State the facts of the case Prove the thesis with your arguments Disprove your opponents arguments End the essay

There may be times that you will disprove opposing arguments before proving your own; it will depend upon the arguments and your readers. There may also be times when the statement of the facts will be the introduction to your paper (with the thesis statement following the statement of facts)

INTRODUCTION The introduction should catch and hold the readers’ attention and focus their attention on the thesis statement. The thesis statement (your topic, attitude about the topic, and, possibly, audience) is usually found as a single sentence at the end of the introduction.

STATEMENT OF FACTS The statement of the facts may contain circumstances, details, summaries, and narration. It is a non-argumentative presentation of the facts concerning the situation or problem under discussion. In other words, you simply discuss the problem objectively without trying to persuade the reader.

This section informs the readers about the facts of the case, reminds the readers of certain events or details (often through the use of summary), establishes the reason why you have the authority to speak on the topic, or provides a vivid illustration, real or fictional, showing the significance of the topic. It should be brief, and vivid. If you obscure the facts, you are defeating the purpose. Delete irrelevant information and information which contributes little to the reader’s understanding.

CONFIRMATION The confirmation is where you provide your arguments. This is the central part of the essay and often the longest section. With the audience rendered attentive by the introduction and informed by the statement of fact, you show why your position concerning the facts should be accepted and believed.

Your argument will be more effective if you give concrete examples from: history politics literature It also will be more effective if you go into detail as to why these examples prove your point. The more specific you are, the better your argument will be.

Yes, you can use personal experiences – but remember ---- It’s like a diving competition where you must consider the level of difficulty ---- If you have an easy dive – the level of difficulty is low – and you have to have an almost perfect dive If you talk about personal experience, your level of difficulty is low – and your writing must be close to perfect!

REFUTATION Usually you deny the truth of one of the premises on which the opposing argument is built, or you can object to the inferences drawn by the opposition from premises which cannot be broken down. If your opponent states that the sales of a company shot up over 25% after using a musical jingle in an advertising campaign, you could counter by saying that the statement is true, but the reason sales increased was because of a 15% cut in prices. Look at logical fallacies to see some common errors in reasoning.

CONCLUSION The conclusion in this type of essay should: render the audience to be well disposed to you and ill-disposed toward your opponent, magnify your points and minimize your opposition, put the audience in the proper mood, and/or refresh the memory of the audience by summarizing the main points of the argument.