Ashley Winters April 29, 2009
Forget it You must be kidding I broke my hand I don't have a pen or pencil I don't have any paper I'm sick I don't have time I am not good at it I can't do it I don't get it Time's up? Uh oh! All I have is a dumb list of excuses. You like it? Really? No kidding. Thanks a lot. Would you like to see another one? Forget it
I came across a platypus On the way to school His beak was very orange And his tail was very flat I hid him in my desk So that teacher would not see He stayed there very quietly Until frightened by a flea Animals Go to school
I am Ashley Winters I run Winters‘ ICE CREAM STORE, there are flavors in my freezer you have never seen before, five divine creations too delicious to resist, why not do yourself a favor, try the flavors on my list: rainbow scoop oreo swirl moose tracks cookie mix Chocolate I am Ashley Winters, I run Winters' ICE CREAM STORE, taste a flavor from my freezer, you will surely ask for more. Ice Cream
Ashley happy, short, smart, caring Sibling of Ryan Lover of animals, cheerleading, piano Who fears Spiders and Snakes Who needs love, shelter, food, water and clothes Who gives love and clothes Who would like to see The Statue of Liberty Resident of Chambersburg, Pennsylvania Winters All about Me
You can argue with a tennis ball or argue with your hat. You can argue with bananas or a broken baseball bat. You can argue with your locker. You can argue with your shoe. You can argue all day long until your face is turning blue. You can argue with a pickle. You can argue with a bee. It's a fact that you can argue with most anything you see. You can argue with the football field or argue with the bleachers. But I've found it isn't very smart to argue with the teachers. You can argue with a tennis ball