Service Learning Shelby Birchmeier Ferris State University Image retrieved from zV97bJAhUBlB4KHWnOBmcQ_AUICCgD#tbm=isch&q=service+learning&imgrc=wP-UPyglLe9QCM%3A
Introduction I worked with a nursing instructor, at a local college, to coordinate volunteer experiences for the nursing students and I within our community We volunteered at: The Underground Railroad (UR) Under the Rainbow Resale Shop (URRS) Old Town Soup Kitchen (OTSK) ^^^ Image retrieved from dex.php?option=com_content&vi ew=article&id=69&Itemid=59 ^^^ Image retrieved from
Agency Descriptions UR: opened in 1977 as the first free standing emergency shelter in Michigan; provides services for battered women and children (Underground Railroad, 2014) URRS: opened by UR in 2008, provides discount clothes and home needs to people in need (Underground Railroad, 2014) OTSK: opened in 2001, provides hot meals and groceries to those in need (Old Town Christian Outreach Center, 2014).
Volunteer Roles URURRSOTSK Help sort through donated clothes and diapers to give to people requiring their services Help divide cans of formula Sort through donated clothes and home items Prepare the items to be sold or given away Lightly cleaned any home items that were donated Served meals Washed dishes, cleaned Pack up groceries and distributed them to those in need
Critical Reflection Unforgettable experience increasing my appreciation for the community and people among it At first, I was uneasy and nervous not knowing what to expect Assumptions Experiences were impactful and I gained a vast amount of knowledge Grateful for the organizations within the community helping those in need Everyone was so appreciative (staff and people in need)
Synthesis We are here to serve and help all populations Consider theoretical base & scholarship for practice when providing safe and quality care for all Consider generalist nursing practice when providing care for diverse populations Consider professionalism in all situations Consider collaborative leadership and the health care environment when addressing changes in order to provide great care for all
References Old Town Christian Outreach Center. (2014). Our history. Retrieved from w=article&id=47&Itemid=34 Underground Railroad. (2014). About us. Retrieved from Underground Railroad. (2014). Under the rainbow. Retrieved from For some reason, I am unable to make the references with a hanging indent (before the bullets). Image retrieved from X&ved=0ahUKEwiru-zV97bJAhUBlB4KHWnOBmcQ_AUICCgD#tbm=isch&q=volunteer&imgrc=jmgLufwa_-uHIM%3A