Idate, November 24, 2004 European enlargement and ICTs Industrial Issues: Direct investement. Company case studies Jean Paul Simon, Vice-President International Regulatory Strategy, International Public Affairs, France Telecom 26th International Conference, Idate Montpellier, November 24, 2004
Idate, November 24, Why: some hints (1) Western operators are looking for some new engines of growth: New regions: Accessing countries/ New Members States (NMS) New sectors: after mobile, broadband… The telecom sector is key for overall competitiveness: fostering growth thereby demand NMS and accessing countries are perceived as: Strong growth, major potential, reasonable risk markets
Idate, November 24, Why: some hints (2) Providing « test markets »: If one is not efficient in these markets (prices, technology, solutions/ applications, bundles…) Not likely to be efficient in major emerging markets such as China, India From a regulatory point: integration of the « acquis communautaire » Familiar environment: abiding by the same rules
Idate, November 24, Results & Issues The NMS are pressured to achieve in a few years what took over 20 years in old Member States Some structural differences A low penetration rate for wireline (around 30%) A higher penetration for mobile (around 60%) What about the incentives to invest: how to stimulate the deployment of networks (including broadband) Especially if the main issue is demand: low level of income/ low willingness to pay May trigger some different treatment: unchanging trends/ unchanging differences
Idate, November 24, Always be ready for any surprises in life...