Alžbeta Šrenkelová Programme Manager / JA Slovakia THE ENTREPRENEURIAL SCHOOL
Project partners
3 years project co-funding from the European Community Virtual Guide to Entrepreneurial Learning more than 125 entrepreneurial tools and methods organised in 35 teacher – friendly packages for primary, secondary, upper secondary and vocational schools pilot network of 80 schools in 8 countries The Entrepreneurial School
The Virtual Guide Tools and Methods School and Good Practice Policy and Strategy You and Your School
Tools and Methods A database of tools and methods to support entrepreneurial teaching and learning Can be used from primary level to upper secondary schools and in initial teacher training. Search by age level of the students subject covered teaching issues learning outcomes
Tools and Methods Summary Purpose and process Learning outcomes Curricular or thematic relevance How to organise Assessment and evaluation approaches Volunteer involvement Additional comments Provider country
Platform possibilities To share a tool Thousands of good tools and methods for entrepreneurial learning are used in European schools every day. If you have developed experiences, best practices or new ideas you can share them with other teachers on the platform. To review a tool and leave a comment there In order to review a tool, you need to register. You can review each tool in the virtual guide and advice your colleagues about how to use them. A review can be a comment to the tool, an experience, an add-on or just an opinion.
Schools and Good Practice examples of visions, plans, job descriptions and frameworks to learn from and to use in your own school from several countries case study schools which are good practitioners of entrepreneurial learning searching by country / good practice
Policy and Strategy the most recent European policy documents on entrepreneurial learning, together with strategy and research documents published by national governments and other institutions
You and Your School two web-based tools: one is a self-assessment for teachers in primary, secondary and vocational school; the second one is a quality checklist for schools feel free to use them to assess your current efforts and practices
Recommendation Try as much as possible tools and methods during your lessons. Create and improve the Virtual Guide and don´t forget to leave a comment
Useful links Project website: Project website of the national coordinator EN version of the Virtual Guide: SK version of the Virtual Guide: For the registration on the platform: Share your tool: Sign in for eBrief:
Contact info Project leader JA Europe Tel: National coordinator JA Slovakia Tel: