Mammals By: Devin Cromer
Mammals Mammals are one of the 6 main classes of animals. Animal classes are groups of animals that scientists consider to be alike in some important ways.
The temperature The temperature could be freezing cold or boiling hot, but mammal’s maintain just about the same tempature all the time. Warm blood lets the mammals be very active and live in a wide of places.
Fur and Hair All mammals have fur or hair. Sometimes the hairs cover all of their body. Sometimes the hairs are short. I bet you think we are mammals, you are right. Even mammals that live in the water have hair.
People have “baby teeth” or “milk teeth”. So do all of the other mammals! The only exceptions are anteaters – they don’t have any teeth at all. Well, even though mammals are born different ways, they all drink milk from their mothers bodies. All Mammals drink milk
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