FFFF2613 Medicine and Society II Presentation Project THE RELATIONSHIPS BETWEEN COFFEE CONSUMPTION AND BMI By: The Awesome Lab 1
INTRODUCTION Evidence shows that some of the content of coffee have therapeutic potential (Anon 2015). These modified compounds of coffee may have their own health effect (Preedy, 2015). Excessive consumption of coffee has the tendency to cause harm. In Ethiopian legend, Kaidi was the first one to discover these coffee beans. 15 th century, coffee was being grown in the Arabian Peninsular. 17 th century, coffee had made its way to Europe. Mid-1600’s, coffee was brought New York. 19 th century, Adolphe Quetelet came up with the Quatelet Index of Obesity. In the 1980s, BMI became an international standard for obesity measurement. In 1998, the National Institutes of Health lowered the overweight threshold from BMI 27.8 to 25 to match international guidelines. HISTORY OF COFFEE HISTORY OF BMI
PROBLEM STATEMENT The rates of obesity in Malaysia have increased tremendously for the past few years. WHO study on 2010 show that 60% of Malaysian aged 18 and above, had a BMI over 25. Relating it with coffee consumption, due to a variety of compounds in coffee, there are certain contents that may cause increase in body weight, yet there are another substances of coffee that contribute in reducing body mass.
RESEARCH OBJECTIVE GENERAL OBJECTIVE: To study the relationship between coffee consumption with BMI among medical student. SPECIFIC OBJECTIVE: To determine the relationship between the race and gender of those who consume coffee with BMI among medical students. To determine the relationship between amount of coffee consumption with BMI among medical students. To determine the relationship between frequency of coffee consumption with BMI among medical students. To determine the relationship between occasions of coffee consumption with BMI among medical students. To assess the attitude and perceptions of coffee consumption among medical students. To determine the BMI of preclinical and clinical students who consume coffee.
HYPOTHESIS 1. Male students who consume coffee have more non - ideal BMI than female 2. Malay medical students who consume coffee have more non – ideal BMI 3. Medical students who have high amount coffee consumption have more non – ideal BMI 4. Medical students who have continuous coffee intake have more non – ideal BMI 5. Clinical students who consume coffee have more non – ideal BMI than preclinical students 6. Specific occasions – coffee consumption during examination week and under stress conditions contribute to non-ideal BMI
LITERATURE REVIEW Has harmful effects: Additives to coffee (milk and sugar) could have pathogenic effects and increase risk of type 2 DM as it can cause hyperglycaemia (Sir Daniel, 2003) Alkaloid caffeine creates insulin resistance and disrupts glucose homeostasis (Victor,2015). Disruption of glucose metabolism may induce production of fatty acid which then lead to higher BMI. Has beneficial effects: The risk of DM is lower in people who consume coffee (Jane V.H. & Balz F., 2007) When prospective cohort studies was conducted on men and women Dutch, the result shows that there is a relation between number of cups consumed per day and the risk of developing Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus with 50% reduction of risk in those who consumed at least 7 cups of coffee daily compared to those who drank 2 cups or less (relating it to intake amount). (In Swedish and United States)
Sir Daniel Tan The Lancet 361: [14 October 2015] Victor R. Preedy Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention. [14 October 2015]
RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This research uses a cross-sectional study design in which information was collected at one particular moment of time only. 100 UKM medical students were given questionnaire, and the questions were in regards of the relationships between coffee consumption with BMI.
1 The questionnaire was designed by comparing previous research questionnaire. The research questionnaire that was chosen as a reference is from University of Kentucky Doctoral Dissertations (McIlvain 2008). 2 The questionnaires were distributed to 100 UKM medical students. The samples population used were from Year 1 till year 4. From every year, 25 respondents was taken. 3 The respondent were purposely selected according to pre-defined fixed quota. In proportional quota sampling we match the specific inclusion and exclusion criteria to select the respondent. 4 The data was collected. After all the data were collected, the data were recorded and analysed using SPSS.
DATA ANALYSIS Descriptive Analysis
Perspectives on Coffee Consumption
Coffee Consumption during Occasions
Analytical Analysis Yates`s Correction
Chi Square Analysis By using Chi-Square Test, x 2 = p = p > 0.05; not significant Null hypothesis is not rejected. Conclusion: There is no association between consumption of coffee based on the year of study and Body Mass Index (BMI).
Student t-test
DISCUSSION 1) Our finding had shown that there is no association between frequency and amount of coffee consumption with Body Mass Index (BMI) 2) Our finding found no association between races of respondents and BMI
3) There is no association between pattern of coffee intake and Body Mass Index (BMI). 4) There is no relationship existing between consumption of coffee based on year of study and Body Mass Index (BMI)
LIMITATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS LIMITATIONS: 1)Sample size could have not been randomized appropriately 2)Bias in the distribution of questionnaire 3)The measurement taken is BMI, as according to the student’s own recall of their own height and weight (Recall Bias). Inaccurate measurement of height and body weight could have easily been given RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)Increase sample size and get the involvement of other students to really represent the whole population 2)On site measurement of height and weight as to obtain a better and more accurate data RECOMMENDATIONS: 1)Increase sample size and get the involvement of other students to really represent the whole population 2)On site measurement of height and weight as to obtain a better and more accurate data
REFERENCES Anon Coffee: Health Benefits, Nutritional Information. [14 October 2015] McIlvain, GE Caffeine consumption patterns and beliefs of college freshmen. [14 October 2015] Sir Daniel Tan The Lancet 361: [14 October 2015] Victor R. Preedy Coffee in Health and Disease Prevention. [14 October 2015]
Thank You So Keep Calm and Have a Coffee So Keep Calm And Have a Coffee