Faculty Senate Meeting January 29, 2015 Meredyth Goodwin, Director, Access Center
To serve students with documented disabilities and chronic medical conditions. ◦ Review documentation. ◦ Determine appropriate accommodations. ◦ Advocate for students. ◦ Compliance function: ensure students’ civil rights are met per ADA and Rehabilitation Act this is done by providing accommodations that provide equal access to the environment and to information. Accommodations do not ensure success. ◦ Assist faculty to meet access responsibilities.
Rights: ◦ To receive appropriate accommodations to “level the playing field.” ◦ To be treated with respect and non-judgment. Responsibilities: ◦ To request accommodations from the Access Center. ◦ To renew accommodations each semester. ◦ To inform faculty and work with faculty to arrange accommodations in a timely manner. ◦ To engage in a discussion with faculty when the accommodation warrants it or if faculty have questions.
Rights: ◦ To question accommodations. ◦ To work with the Access Center to arrive at different accommodations if certain ones don’t seem appropriate. ◦ To expect that students will follow the procedures established by the Access Center. ◦ To expect that all students, with or without accommodations, meet the requirements and learning objectives of their class. ◦ To expect that their intellectual property will not be distributed in an inappropriate manner. Responsibilities: ◦ To provide approved accommodations. ◦ To treat students with respect and non-judgment.
◦ Flexible Attendance When this is appropriate How it works ◦ Disseminating PowerPoints before class Why we consider this to be reasonable: Addresses limitations of certain disabilities Addresses equal access ◦ Technology and Access Material presented in lecture must be accessible to all students with sensory disabilities (blind/deaf) Examples: Transcriptions/Captions in YouTube videos
Spring Semester 2015 (and perhaps Summer) ◦ Hours: 3:00Pm – 9:00PM M-F ◦ Why? Construction Project Access Center must ensure a quiet testing environment Faculty/Dept. may choose to accommodate students
For further information, please visit the Access Center website: