#1 - Arming the “Anglos” Would you support America’s arming of the filibusterers in Tejas, providing them with money, weapons, and support?
#2 – Buy Texas Would you support Andrew Jackson’s desire to quickly buy Texas from Mexico for $5 million?
#3 – Recognize Texas Should Andrew Jackson officially recognize The Republic of Texas?
#4 Annex Texas? At this time, in 1836, with the score tied between slave states and free states at 13 – 13, would you support annexing Texas, as was on the table for Van Buren?
#5 Recognize Texas, again The year is still 1836, would you choose to recognize Texas’ independence as Van Buren was considering?
#6 Fight the British The British deeply want an independent Texas so that they can export their goods to a tariff-low land and then stimulate other Southern states to force America to lower more tariffs. Are the British, in pushing for an independent Texas, being provocateurs? How to deal with this!!??
# 7 - Calhoun’s Speech John C. Calhoun wanted Texas in America and so he made a speech defending slavery as “essential to the peace, safety, and prosperity” of the South and that annexation would guard against the abolition of slavery in Texas under the British. Like this speech?
# 8 – Annex? The Senate took a vote on June 8, 1844, in Tyler’s presidency? You voting YES?
# 9 – Support Tyler for Re- election? Are you going to give your support to Virginian John Tyler for his re-election for the presidency in the Whig Party?
#10 – James Polk or Clay? Polk Tennessee Jacksonian Democrat Embraced expansion Wanted the “re- annexation of Texas” since JQA gave it back with the Adams- Onis Treaty Clay Opposed taking Texas if it meant war If Clay wins, he almost certainly would have kept peace with Mexico
#11 – Annex again? The lame-duck Tyler suggests annexation this time not through the Senate but a joint resolution of Congress (simple majorities in both houses), not the 2/3 Senate vote Critics howled! YES? NO?