UCB Messaging Initiative Brad Judy Information Technology Services
What is the project? Broad electronic messaging initiative Scope: –All aspects of –Interfaces between core messaging services and other services (WebCT, voic , web) –Exploration into other forms of messaging (IM, mobile messaging, web based messaging) An umbrella project that will launch several sub-projects
Motivations Campus IT Strategic Plan –Several aspects of noted for improvement IT efficiencies study –Numerous dept running own services Exchange project for Vice Chancellors –Centrally run Exch service for ~120 key staff Laundry list of required and desired improvements
Process Background research in technologies and trends Examination of own infrastructure Input gathering – internal and external Consolidation and prioritization of input Establish a direction for messaging services Initiate sub-projects according to priority
Existing Infrastructure Sendmail, UWash IMAP, POP (limited) IMP/Horde webmail interface Spam Assassin for message tagging Hesiod lookup system Sun/Solaris based systems Separate student and fac/staff hosts (share common web interface) is an official form of communication for students
Mail Flow Fully documented central mail flow Multipurpose exercise –Better understand how to improve system –Force Brad to learn more about messaging infrastructures –Actually document something that often is not documented
Immediate Spam Issue The volume of spam and tagging rate was not meeting user expectations Refining SA and adding tests increased fac/staff system tagging rate to >95% Increased access list work greatly reduced the overall volume of spam Student system still using fewer tests due to lack of CPU resources (>70% tagging rate)
Input Gathering Meetings with various internal groups Meetings with external IT advisory groups –IT infrastructure advisory group –Faculty IT advisory group Student portal survey
High Priority Core Service Input list processing system –Easier to manage lists and subscriptions –Better handling of multiple addresses –Course roster lists Web based threaded discussion –Better technology for some uses of lists –Currently in WebCT in a limited form
High Priority Core Service Input processing architecture –Where/how should spam/virus be done? –Ensure resources are sufficient to meet performance expectations –Improve student processing to match fac/staff security –Signed official communication
Medium Priority Input Overall architecture review Exchange project Better integration of services True development environment Improvements to webmail interface Policy review/improvements Small device support (PDA, mobile phones)
Exploratory Input: Voice Convergence of voice and electronic messaging Voic via web or VoIP pilot in progress – tightly connected to other forms of messaging The line between IM and VoIP may be impossible to draw (IP based, soft phones, voice and video in both technologies)
Exploratory Input: IM Is there a benefit to a campus level instant messaging service? Directory integration provides the potential for a benefit, but is the benefit just having self reported IM information in the directory? Some departments are using IM/chat tech internally or even with customers (libraries virtual reference desk)
Exploratory Input: Student Students enter and leave the school with external identities and accounts Is a campus account important or is it merely a temporary, extra account? Is the identity really the useful service? Should active student be merely a forwarder like alumni ? Is this concept compatible with as an official form of communication?
Student Survey Input Portal survey –One week –Digital camera give away Lower than normal response rate (only ~195 instead of ) Good distribution of year and gender