1 Sales to Rental Transfers
2 Move New Equipment and Merchandise into Rental through the Sales to Rental Transfer menu. Purchased items brought in through the Purchase Order system places the item into inventory for retail sales to be sold at a marked up price. Transferring merchandise makes the item available to be rented. Main Menu Additional Operations Sales to Rental Transfer (option 53)(option 25) Operations Menu
3 Additional Operations: Sales to Rental Transfers A rental contract will not allow you to Rent an item without it being placed into the rental system. Once the new equipment is in the Rental File - with a Unit Number – it is NOT a rental asset until the status has been changed from NEW - N to Rental - R. Transferring merchandise makes the item available to be rented. NOTE: If you try to rent a new item on a rental contract it will give you a warning “INVALID EQUIPMENT”. How do items become available for rental? When the items are purchased they are assigned a Cat/Class. A Cat/Class determines if the item is a Unitized Rental asset or a Bulk Rental asset. WARNING!!! If you try to assign a Cat/class to an existing item that was already purchased w/o a Cat/Class it will not allow you to make the Changes. You will need to contact the Data Conversion Team to Fix.
4 Sales to Rental Transfer: Item Selection There are three different types of Sales to Rental Transfers. Merchandise/Bulk Rental Serialized Merchandise New Equipment NOTE: By assigning a Cat/Class serialized NO to merchandise when purchased, it puts the merchandise item into the Part/Merchandise File as a sales item with the option to transfer into rental as a Bulk Item. Serialized Merchandise is assigned a Cat/Class serialized YES it follows the same guild lines, when transferred into rental it will require completing the Equipment Maintenance field by adding Make, Model and year.
5 Sales to Rental Transfer: Bulk Rental Transfer Transferring Bulk Rental items into the system Input the item number and stock class on the appropriate lines and hit enter. After entering the item number and stock class, the system proceeds to the next screen. Enter the desired quantity to be transferred into rental. Helpful Hint: If you don’t know either the item number or the stock class - hit F4 to search or return to the Operations Menu and go into a Parts/Merchandise Search (opt.32) under Inquiry.
6 Sales to Rental Transfer: Completing Bulk Rental Transfer When transferring items that are Bulk Rental you can transfer Qty. at one time without having to repeat the steps. The quantity available will appear above the quantity desired for transfer. Completing the transfer – Step One - Enter item number and stock class, hit enter. Step Two – Type in desired qty to transfer into rental. Hit enter. NOTE: You have completed the Bulk Rental Transfer. The system returns you to the selection screen.
7 Sales to Rental Transfer: Serialized Merchandise Transfer To transfer Serialized Merchandise into Rental perform the following steps: Add the correct item number and stock class, hit enter. If you don’t know either the item number or the stock class - hit F4 to search or return to the Operations Menu and go into a Parts/Merchandise Search (opt.32) under Inquiry. NOTE: When you enter the next screen it will appear different from that of the bulk rental transfer screen
8 Sales to Rental Transfer: Selecting the Serial Number To transfer an item into Rental, do the following. Enter the serial number if known or F4 to Search. A popup window will appear with a listing of all the possible serial numbers for that item. Warning!! !! Selection of correct serial number is important. If entered incorrectly, one of two things occurs. First – The system will not recognize the item ~ keeping it from being available for sale. ·Second – Physical inventory numbers will be incorrect. This error will cause extra work during a physical inventory to identify and track the mistake.
9 Sales to Rental Transfer: Equipment Entry Maintenance After selecting the serial number, hit enter to proceed to the Equipment Maintenance screen. Add the Make, Model and Year of the item to generate a new equipment number. NOTE: The equipment number allows you to track this asset by number WARNING!!! Again ~ this is your only chance to input the correct information. If you make a mistake and complete this transaction, the only way to correct it is to contact the Data Conversion Team. This step takes the merchandise item and transfers it into the equipment file with an asset number and automatically allows you to rent the item as equipment.
10 Sales to Rental Transfer: Equipment Transfer To transfer Equipment from a New Status into Rental do the following: Step One: Input the equipment number that was assigned to the unit upon initial purchase. Hit enter. Step Two: Hit enter a second time to complete the sales rental transfer. Repeat steps as necessary. Helpful Hint: If you do not know the number of the unit, search for the equipment by either hitting F4 or going back into the Operation Menu and search by Option 31 for the item. You are able to search by either word or Cat/Class.